Call for papers

We invite the unpublished high quality research papers for the contribution to the upcoming symposium. The abstracts or papers must be emailed to  and each paper will go through rigorous peer-review process. All accepted full papers will be published in the SSRN proceedings hosted by Elsevier (978-1-0672226-4-2).

Conference Topics

  • Innovative technologies in bone biomechanics
  • Soft tissue mechanics
  • Surgical implants
  • Bio-fluids as well as mechanical and mathematical modeling, imaging, and visualization
  • Application of tissue engineering leading to the contribution of novelty therapies for different diseases

Presentation Information

The authors are requested to take note of the following important information:
1. It is requested that all the presenting authors to login to their sessions at least 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. This will assist in dealing with technical issues that may arise.
2. All the presentations and the keynote addresses will be conducted through Microsoft Teams platform. Please make sure that you have this app installed in your device.
3. Each presentation will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes. The presenter will be required to conclude the presentation within 8 minutes to allow 2 minutes for questions.
4. All the presentations will be judged by the technical chairs and the Best Research Paper and Best Presentation will be announced during the Valedictory Ceremony.
5. All the presentations must have a maximum of 15 Powerpoint Presentation slides.

Important dates

  • The submission of paper deadline has been extended to 10 May 2024.
  • No further extension after this deadline.
  • All the presented papers will receive the certificates of presentation/participation.