
About the school

Professor Cheryl Hendricks

Name Cheryl Hendricks
Highest qualification PhD (University of South Carolina, USA)
Position Honorary Professor
Contact details
Research interests/expertise International relations; political studies; security studies; African politics; regional security architectures and mechanisms; conflict analysis; conflict management and peacebuilding; pan-Africanism; security sector governance; women, peace and security; violent extremism; gender equality and mainstreaming
Current projects The EU Project: Gateways for Peace; Implementing the National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security; Research on migration; Civilian Joint Task Force in Nigeria: Countering violent extremism from below (Routledge, 2022).

Short biography

Cheryl Hendricks is Executive Director of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR). Prior to this she was Executive Head of the Africa Institute of South Africa in the HSRC (July 2018 – September 2021). She was appointed as Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies (UJ) in April 2013, and served as head of department from 2014–2017. She also spent many years working at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), first as Programme Head for the Southern Africa Human Security Programme, and then as Senior Research Fellow in the Conflict Management and Peacebuilding Division. She has also worked at the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR) and the UWC. She holds a doctorate in Government and International Relations (University of South Carolina) and a Master's in Southern African Studies (University of York, UK). She has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of conflict management (conflict prevention, peace-making, peacekeeping, post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding); women, peace and security; and African regional security architectures. She has published widely on these topics, and engages a range of policy makers, academics, researchers, and civil society on these issues.

Selected publications

  • Hendricks, C. (2021). Shifting the theory and practice of conflict management to respond to current conflict contexts: A role for South Africa?
  • Hendricks, C. (2020). Women's mediation in Africa. In Southern Africa Security Review, edited by G. Khadiagala & D. Deleglise. Johannesburg: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Centre for Defence and Security Management, Wits.
  • Hendricks, C. & Majozi, N. (2021). South Africa's international relations: A new dawn? Journal of African and Asian Studies, 56(1).
  • Hendricks, C. & Omenma, T. (2020). Violent extremism and militarisation in the Sahel Region. Africa Insight, 43.
  • Hendricks, C. & Onditi, F. (2020). In search of alternative approaches to conflict management in Africa. Africa Insight, 43.
  • Hendricks, C. & Sigsworth, S. (eds). (2016). Gender, peace and security in Africa. Oxford: Routledge.