UNISA’s Centre for Life-long Learning

Webinar: The opportunities presented by Micro-credentials in the offering of Short Learning Programmes on Tuesday 13 December 2022

UNISA Centre for Lifelong Learning (UCL) is hosting a webinar event on Tuesday 13th December 2022 entitled:

Event title: The opportunities presented by Micro-credentials in the offering of Short Learning Programmes

Micro-credentialing (and badging) is a growing area in the academic world with experts emerging all over the world. The reason for this webinar is to highlight the opportunities which exist in using Micro-credentials as part of the Short Learning Programmes from which they can also be benchmarked. 

What is a micro-credential?  

According to RMIT ( Source: https://online.rmit.edu.au/ ) Micro-credentials are exactly what they sound like. They’re small, certification-style courses that focus on a particular area of study. Unlike a broad three-year Bachelor’s degree, micro-credentials tend to pick one skill, one niche, and hone proficiency over the shortest possible time. Think of them like digital merit badges. A fast and practical way to upskill.  

Why are micro-credentials growing in popularity? 

 The advantages of micro-credentials are obvious. For one thing, because they’re short, bite-sized curriculums, they can be easily updated, tweaked and modernized. Micro-credentials are usually much more practical, more industry-relevant, than formal studies (RMIT Online, for example, designs each micro-credential alongside leading industry professionals like Accenture and Amazon, and these are important partnerships). Micro-credentials are also much quicker and cheaper than most formal qualifications, which means people can upskill quickly, without sacrificing their day job.  

The UCL event on 13 December 2022 will be addressed by two academics from UNISA; Dr D. Chetty and Ms J. Nel whose involvement in this emerging area has been intense, giving these two academics an edge to help the audience dive deep into this topic.

The attendees can choose to attend the event in person at the venue or virtually online. Click here for the invitation.

Publish date: 2022-12-02 00:00:00.0