Prof Pumela Msweli
College of Graduate School of Business Leadership | |
Executive Dean
Tel: | 011 652 0362
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- PhD Management (Exeter, UK);
- MBA (Exeter UK), passed with Distinction;
- MPhil Dev. Finance (Stellenbosch)
Fields of academic interests
- Financialisation and International Trade
- Socio-economic effects of globalisation in middle and low income countries
- Deep Learning and Academic Literacy
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Field of Specialisation
- Governance
- International Business
- Development Finance
- P. Msweli (2011) How to write research proposal: A practical guide for business students. Cape Town: Juta Publishers
- M. Cant, C. Bothma, T. Drotsky, M. du Toit, F. Herbst, S. Linkenberg, R. Marchado, P. Msweli-Mbanga, M. Robberts, C. Stanford, J. Strydom, N. van Heerden (2004) Personal Selling, Johannesburg: Juta Publishers (Book Chapter)
- Burgess, S and Bothma, C (Editors et al) (2005) International Marketing, Cape Town: Oxford University Press, South Africa (ISBN: 019576126X) - (Book Chapter).
Journal articles
- Gumede M, Mazibuko V and Msweli P (2017) Commonwealth Games Beyond Socioeconomic Sensibilities: Towards a model to quantify nonfinancial value
- Msweli P and Hutton T (2016) Managing core university business performance in the wake of “fees must fall” context: a legitimacy theoretical perspective, Public and Finance Management, Vol 5, issue 4, pp 30-39. (IBSS listed journal).
- Ndlovu NI and Msweli P (2016) A theoretical framework for Poverty Reduction at Local Government Level Public and Finance Management, Vol 5, issue 4. (IBSS listed journal)
- Msweli P (2015). A framework to determine SME fitness for Venture Capital Funding: A sub Saharan context. Journal of Green Economy and Develop., Vol1, Issue 2; pp1-10.
- Msweli P (2015). Human Capital Development: What can South Africa learn from Botswana. Environmental Economics, Vol 6, Issue 1, pp 144-151. (IBSS Journal).
- Msweli P (2015). From 2015 MDGs to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: Is South Africa ready for the challenge? An Editorial Note. Journal of Green Economy and Development, Vol1, Issue 1; pp1-8.
- Msweli P and Naude P (2015) Bank Selection Choices: A generation Theory Perspective. Banks and Bank Systems, Vol 10, Issue 1, pp97-102. (IBSS Journal).
- Msweli P and Wushe T (2014). An analysis of corporate community engagement in Zimbabwe. Environmental Economics, Vol 5, Issue 4: pp15-22. (IBSS Journal)
- Msweli P. and Singh S. (2014). An analysis of board attributes that contribute to decision quality in State Owned Companies in South Africa. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol 12, Issue 2: pp 85-92. (IBSS Journal)
- Ngwakwe CC and Msweli P (2013). On Carbon Emission Reduction and firm performance: Example from 3M Company. Environmental Economics, Vol 4, Issue 2; pp 52-59. (IBSS Journal)
- Msweli P (2013). Conceptual Definition, Content Validity and Dimensionality of the Internationalisation Construct: A South African Higher Education Perspective. Africa Insight, Vol 43 (Issue 1): 45-40. (IBSS Journal).
- Msweli P, Wushe T and Mandudzo WC (2012). Corporate Community Engagement: Literature search for construct validation. A case of the extractive industry in Zimbabwe.
- Ngobese A.C.N. and Msweli P (2013). “Tracking Millennium Poverty Reduction in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal” Journal of Public Administration, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp209-224. (IBSS Journal)
- Msweli, P. (2012). “Mapping out the interplay between Open Distance Learning and Internationalisation Principles.” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), Volume 13 (3): 144-163. (ISI Journal)
- Msweli, P (2012). “Retaining Generation X Academics in Higher Education Institutions” Annals of Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2012, 83-96. (Cabell Journal)
- Mkhize, M and Msweli, P (2011) The Impact of female business leaders on the performance of listed companies in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics and Management Science, Volume 14, Issue 1: pp1-7, ISSN 2222-3426. (ISI Journal)
- Msweli-Mbanga P. & Mkhize H (2007) “The risk-adjusted performance of companies with women directors: A South African Case. South African Journal of Economic Management, Volume 10 (2) pages 207-213. (ISI Journal)
- H. Mkhize and P. Msweli-Mbanga (2006). “A critical review of the restructuring of the South African capital market.” International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol.2 (2): 80-91. (IBSS Journal)
- Msweli-Mbanga, P. & Potwana, N. (2006) “Modelling participation, resistance to change, and organisational citizenship behaviour: A South African case” South African Journal of Business Management. Volume 37 (1). (ISI Journal)
- Msweli-Mbanga, P., Fitzgerald P. & Mkhize A. (2005) “Representation of Women Directors in JSE Securities Exchange Listed Companies: Institutional Theory Perspective.” South African Journal of Labour Relations. Volume 29(2). (IBSS Journal)
- Msweli-Mbanga, P (2004) “Modelling Switching Behaviour of Direct Selling Customers” South African Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol. 7 (2): 257-278. (ISI Journal)
- P. Msweli-Mbanga (2004) “Predicting Turnover Behaviour of Direct Salespeople.” Southern African Business Review. Volume 8(3): 16-25. (IBSS Journal).
- Brodie S., Albaum G., D. R. Chen, Kennedy R. Msweli-Mbanga P. and Oksanen-Ylikoski E. (2004) “Public Perceptions of Direct Selling: An International Perspective” University of Westminster Press ISBN 0-9539845-5-9.
- Msweli-Mbanga & Chen-Tao Lin (2003) “Redefining Performance in the Direct Selling Industry” South African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 34, (3): pp. 29-40. (ISI Journal)
- Msweli-Mbanga P (2001) “Modelling distributor Performance in Network Marketing Organisations” South African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 32, No.3, pp. 33 – 40. (ISI Journal)
- Msweli P. and Sargeant A. (2001) “Modelling Distributor Retention in Network Marketing Organisations” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 507-514.
- Sargeant A. and Msweli P. (1999) “Network Marketing in South Africa: Just What is the Perception?” Journal of the International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 51 – 66.
Professional positions, fellowships & awards
- Adjunct Professor Durban University of Technology (2016-2019)
- Guest Professor at Erlangen-Nurnberg University (2016 and 2017),
- Visiting scholar at St Mary’s university in Canada and out of this visited co-authored a paper published in an ISI listed journal (2004).
- Served as a visiting Scholar at University of
- Guest Editor: Journal of Environmental Economics (2015 - 2017).
- Deputy Editor: Journal of Business and Public Dynamics for Development (2013-Current)
- Editorial Board member: Annals of Management Science Review
- Editor: Journal of Green Economy and Development
- Committee member: Presidential Council of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Ownership Subcommittee (2011-2012).
- NRF Rated C3 Scientists in 2006 (lapsed in 2011)
- Received an NRF Thuthuka Research Award 2003-2006
- UKZN Research Award, 2006;
- Received Black Women Association’s (BWA)’s regional award as the Regional Woman Entrepreneur of the year 2005
- Grant to attend the United Nation’s Roundtable Discussions on African Women Empowerment, in Cairo Egypt, 2005.
- In 2006 I received an African Humanitarian Award that was extended to me by the African Association of St. Thomas-St John U.S. Virgin Islands. The award highlights the epitome of my community engagement. The award honours individuals who have made significant contributions to societies in Africa and the African Diaspora, especially in fostering the cultural, social and general interests in the Diaspora.
- University of Limpopo Research and Scholarship Grant to attend the Global Business and Technology Association Conference in Helsinki, in 2013
- DUT Research and Scholarship Grant to attend the 5th World Sustainability Forum in Basel, Switzerland, 2015
- NRF award for an indigenous knowledge systems projects that looks at the interface between arts, culture and climate change (2016-2018)
- DUT Postgraduate Supervision Award (2018)