Desiree Reddy delivers MBA's best research report

“Who me? There must be some mistake. Please can you confirm the student number.” That was Desiree Reddy’s first reaction when she heard her MBA research report had received the highest mark in the class of 2017.

“I was just hoping to pass because my dissertation was really tough,” says Desiree, who works in Group Organisational Design, Remuneration & Benefits at mining house Exxaro. “In fact, when my dissertation topic was allocated to me, I didn’t understand it at first. It was really difficult.”

Judge for yourself: her topic was “Human Resource practices, work locus of control and normative commitment to change in the private sector in South Africa.”

Once Desiree had figured out what this three-pronged topic required of her, she wasted no time getting to grips with it, digging deep to understand it from all angles. This, she claims, was a little out of character.

“I’m not that self-disciplined person. I’m the person who works best in my studies under last minute pressure. But I was really concerned with this dissertation. I had heard horror stories that you either meet the deadlines or get kicked off the programme.”

Desiree pulled out all the stops to meet her MBA deadlines while meeting the demands of her high-pressure job. “I was focused and structured because I had my eye on the end result, which was to pass.”

What helped keep her motivated was the MBA “buddy system”, plus the support of a best friend who had completed her MBA. “And having my mom, pushing me forward was a huge help.” Desiree was also struck by the kindness of her fellow students. “I met a lot of good people and we were all in the same boat. You help each other as you go along, giving to each other and being willing to share,” she says. “Even your supervisor and professors are always kind to you.”

In the end, she exceeded her own expectations by far, achieving one of the highest marks in recent years for an MBA research report.

“I gave up my life for a while but all those sacrifices were worth it,” Desiree says, adding that what touched her the most was the response of her twelve-year-old niece to her achievements.

“She was asked who her role model is. She said it was her aunt Desiree, who travels all over the world, is successful and has an MBA, and that she wants to be like me one day. It just goes to show that you never know who is watching and finding you inspiring.”

Publish date: 2018-10-25 00:00:00.0


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