Democracy Reimagined: Evolution Challenges and Future Prospects in South Africa webinar

Event date:
2024-06-27 00:00:00.0
12:30:00 - 14:00:00
Thina Gwiliza

UNISA SBL is delighted to invite you to the second instalment of our discussion "Democracy in Africa". This event provides a dialogue reflecting on the aftermath of the recent elections in South Africa and their implications for governance, the economy and the citizens. This post-election conversation will focus on the following pressing questions:

  • What to make of the election results?
  • What are the prospects and threats the 'Government of National Unity' poses? Are we getting closer to the rainbow nation? The transformation agenda?
  • What is the future of opposition in the 7th administration?
  • Is our democracy debilitating or maturing?
  • What is the role of key stakeholders (e.g. Business)?


Keynote speaker - Lonwabo Patrick Kulati

Lonwabo Patrick KulatiMr Lonwabo Patrick Kulati is the CEO of Good Govemance Africa. He holds a master's degree in public policy from Stellenbosch University. He is an author, public oommentator, and leadership coach. His passion involves strengthening organizations and democratic institutions across the continent.

Respondent - Dr Pali Lehohla

Dr Pali LehohlaDirector of the Economic Modellng Academy (EMA), Dr. Pali Lehohla empowers sectors with web-based economic policy tooIs. Formerly South Africa's Stalistician-GeneraI, he serves on several boards, including IEJ and the Foundallon for Human Rights. He consults on statistics in conflict settings and advocates for better Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Africa. Dr. Lehohla is also a Research Associate at Oxford University, Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg, and a columnist for top publications.


Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291


Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
Download map & directions (PDF)