Dr Tim Hutton

Research Fellow


  • D Tech in Business Administration (PE Tech)
  • Masters Degree in Business Administration (PETech)
  • B Comin Industrial Psychology & Business Economics (University of PortElizabeth)

Field of Specialisation

Dr Hutton has participated on various academically based committeesrelating to his areas of expertise. These are:

  • The dti National Standardised BBBEE Standardised NationalQualification Programme, January 2011 to present
  • Wits/Eskom Nuclear Technology Management Steering Committee,October 2012 to present
  • Treasury of South Africa National Training Committee, 2105 to 2019
  • Steering Committee Breaking Institutional Boundaries – Wits University,2016 to 2020 (project completed)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency - International Nuclear ManagementAcademy 2017 to present
  • Wits Business School – Executive Committeee and MANCO – January2020 to May 2021
  • Tshimologong Precinct – Manco – June 2020 to present


Dr Hutton has over 30 years’ experience in Human Resources,Marketing, Supply Chain and Strategy Development andImplementation as a consultant or senior/executive manager. Inaddition to this, he has 16 years’ experience teaching at Master’slevel and executive education both at NMU Business School (5 years full time) and at Wits University (11 years part-time) responsible for Masters in Nuclear Technology Leadershipand Technology Leadership. He has been a consultant running hisown niche consulting company, Virtual Contracts, whichspecializes in higher education and company turnarounds focusingon strategy development and implementation, organizational andindividual performance remuneration, organization design andstructuring, business process engineering and digitization as wellas staff development aligned to organizational goals. He hasserved as an executive at Wits Technikon as well as Murray andRoberts in the strategy/human resources functions. He served asthe Director Short Courses and Consulting at Wits CommercialEnterprise, on a contract basis, for over 10 years growing thebusiness to in excess of R100 million Rands from less than 10million. Served as Director of Executive Education on a contractbasis for two spells of 11 months and 18 months respectively atWits Business School.

Dr Hutton has held a number of positions in higher educationstarting as a senior lecturer at the then PE Technikon MBA Unit,now NMU business School. He then moved to TechnikonWitwatersrand and as Human Resources Executive and led boththe HR and Strategy task teams for the UJ merger. In this processhe was a member of the Joint Merger Steering Committee. Hejoined Learning Strategies as the Director responsible for HigherEducation and Human Resources and led the investigation into themerger readiness of Walter Sisulu University. Following this, hewas the project leader in the Univen turn around project andcontinued to advise and consult to the then newly appointed vicechancellor for over 12 years.

He has worked on various strategic, organizational developmentand human resources projects both in higher education andindustry. He served as the Human Resources Executive at Medupiand then consulted to Wits Enterprise for over ten years growingthe short course and consulting business to become a major playerin the short course space. During this time held the title of Directorof Short Courses and Consulting. He has spent two spells at WBSas the Director of Executive Education first for 11 months and thenfor 18 months.

He has carried out a number of regional labour market analysisprojects for both NUFFIC in Tanzania and Mozambique as wellCapital Outsourcing in the Tete and Afungi regions for the rollout ofthe oil and gas projects in Northern Mozambique

He has extensive experience in course/programme development includingthe development of the International Atomic Energy Agency accreditedMasters in Nuclear Technology Leadership. He was also responsible forthe development of the M Eng in the field of Technology Leadership. Inaddition to this he has extensive experience in the management anddevelopment of short courses having served as Director Short Coursesand Consulting at Wits Enterprise, Director of Executive Education andintimately involved in the design, development and management of onlineshort courses on a full asynchronous basis. He runs one of the mostpopular online short courses at Wits University.
His areas of expertise includes innovation, digitization, strategy andstrategy implementation, labour market analysis, human resourcesstrategy and operations strategy.
His practical knowledge across manysectors over many years at senior level is a special skill that will be ofvalue to the school, faculty and university.

Dr Tim Hutton
Adjunct Professor


Telephone: +27 11 652 0248 / +27 11 652 0291

Email: sbl@unisa.ac.za

Physical Address:
Cnr Janadel and Alexandra Avenues
Midrand, 1686
Gauteng, South Africa
Download map & directions (PDF)