Ms Bjefke Breebart
Senior Lecturer
Tel: | 011 652 0000
- Honours in Econometrics, University of Pretoria, majoring in Economics and Statistics.
- Bachelor ofCommerce degree, University of Pretoria, majoring in Information systems, Economics and Statistics.
Ms Breebart has been with South African Reserve Bank (SARB) for the past 28 years. She has witnessed many forms ofleadership. She has moved through various departments and roles, and encountered a variety of methods, trends, and severalattempts at enhancing culture. As a senior leader within the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), Ms Breebart holds significantexpertise in the field of corporate leadership and team dynamics. She has made a noteworthy contribution to the quality ofleadership with practical training programmes and coaching, which have had a direct impact on embedding a positive culture andespoused values within the organization.
She has worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, responsible for lectures, studentsupervision and support.
In 2017 she was certified as an Integral Coach with Centre for Coaching (UCT).
By coaching leaders in the organisation, she hasfirst-hand experience of how people can transform themselves by bringing awareness to their unconscious belief systems andinstinctive patterns. This provides her with a framework and the compassion for implementing lasting change.
Ms Bjefke Breebart
Adjunct Senior Lecturer