Call for papers

We invite the unpublished high quality research papers for the contribution to the upcoming conference. The authors are advised to limit their papers to a maximum of 14 pages and the minimum of 10 pages. The papers must be submitted through the online system and email (depending to the chosen journal) indicated below and each paper will go through rigorous peer-review process. You can contribute a maximum of two (2) papers per journal, please try to adhere to this limit to avoid complications. The authors will be required to use the template shown below in preparing their papers and we will review only the papers submitted using the template. The topics to be addressed in this conference include (but not limited to) the following:

Conference Topics

  • Welding and Joining techniques
  • Materials Characterization
  • Bio-materials
  • Advanced materials processing
  • Advanced machining processing
  • Smart materials
  • Nano-materials
  • Composites and nano-composites materials
  • Sustainable manufacturing technologies
  • Renewable and sustainable energies
  • Surface Engineering
  • Heat treatment
  • High strain rate deformation materials
  • Simulation and optimization techniques
  • Water purification systems
  • Design technology
  • Future generation materials

Journal paper submission

You are encouraged to submit your high quality paper through the procedure detailed below. Please make sure that the papers are formatted according to the template below and the content of the paper is Material Science related, otherwise it will be rejected immediately. Please make sure that the plagiarism index is less than 10%, otherwise your paper will be rejected immediately. 
Submission link to be updated.

Presentation Information

The authors are requested to take note of the following important information:
1. It is requested that all the presenting authors to upload their presentations at least 20 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. This will assist in dealing with technical issues that may arise.
2. Each presentation will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes. The presenter will be required to conclude the presentation within 8 minutes to allow 2 minutes for questions.
3. All the presentations will be judged by the technical chairs and the Best Research Paper and Best Presentation will be announced during the Valedictory Ceremony.
4. All the presentations must have a maximum of 15 Powerpoint Presentation slides.
5. All the presented papers will receive the certificates of presentation/participation.
6. All virtual presentations will have links embedded in the final program.
7. All posters need to be printed on A0 size and must be posted on the specified location 10 minutes before poster session.

List of accepted papers

To be updated

Important dates

To be updated