International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET2024)

Call for Papers

Papers are invited from leading and emerging scholars, TVET practitioners, policy makers, planners, students, academics, researchers, business people, employers, entrepreneurs, universities, for the first hybrid international conference on technical and vocational teaching and training (ICTVET2024) which will be held from 25 – 27 September 2024 at the Protea Hotel Marriott Stellenbosch Conference Centre, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The abstract proposal should not exceed 500 words in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12. The line spacing should be 1.5 the margins of the document should be set at 1 inch on all sides. Abstract should include – problem, purpose/research questions, hypotheses/arguments, methods, findings, conclusions, and implications. It is important that the abstract should relate to the conference theme. Scholarly-based writing is highly recommended/expected. Abstract submissions should be typed, language edited, and be submitted ONLINE in both Microsoft Word and PDF Format. After submission, you will be notified of the receipt of the abstract.

Process of Abstract Evaluation

  • After submission, your abstract will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process
  • After peer review process, we will send you the outcome of your abstract
  • The reviewers might suggest some further work on your abstract and the reworked abstract must be returned/submitted.

Modes of Presentations

Two modes of presentations are available for conference participants, and these are: On-Site Presentation and Virtual Presentation. Each presenter will be allocated 15 minutes for the presentation (use conference PPT template) and 5 minutes for Q&A session. Registered virtual authors will have access to the ICTVET2024 proceedings.

Conference Papers

All accepted conference papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Booklet with ISBN: 978-0-7961-7635, and extended versions of the selected papers will be published in the journals that have partnered with the conference. All papers must meet submission compliance of each journal.

Keynote speakers

  • International – Dr Olivier PIEUME – Head of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Network Secretariat
  • National – Ms Nomso KANA: Chief Executive SimSciex Technologies
  • International – Dr Janaka JAYALATH: DDG TVEC Sri Lanka