MoodleMoot Africa 2024 hosted by Unisa

From 25 – 27 September 2024, the UNISA Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Portfolio in collaboration with the MoodleMoot Africa Association member universities will host the MoodleMoot Africa 2024 Conference.  The  conference aims  to bring together and unite the Moodle community in Africa to share Moodle best practices, knowledge, and competencies to improve the quality of online, e-learning education and training in a globally connected digital era.

The conference also calls on all Moodle LMS partners/vendors, educational technologists, learning scientists, academic and non-academic practitioners, scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in the innovation in the 4IR era to collaboratively proffer educational solutions based on their knowledge and practical use of Moodle LMS to improve the current trajectory in the continent’s adoption and adaptation of education technologies. This could be based on Moodle Education Technology platform and other complementary technologies such as Cloud technology platforms, database technologies, application programming interfaces, plug-ins, etc. 


Theme: Moodle Education Technology Platform: uniting African universities to reclaim Africa’s intellectual futures and create sustainable African solutions.