
Unisa Library Literature Search Service

Unisa Library Literature Search Service

The Unisa Library offers a Literature Search Service to Unisa students and staff. For more information, click here: Unisa Library Literature Search Service

Link to point to the following text:

For Students and Staff who have a myUnisa Account:

How to request a literature search on your research topic:

  1. Login to myUnisa with your student or staff number and myUnisa password/Unisa staff Network username and password. Then click on Log in
  2. Click on myModules.
  3. Click on Sitesand then select Library and then Literature Search Request Form.
  4. Complete the form (use your myLife email/Unisa staff email as your contact address) and click on Submit

Check your mailbox for the acknowledgement email. Note that your reference number is your student or staff number.

For New Staff and Students who do not have a myUnisa Account or have problems of access:

  • Send an email to and request a manual literature search form. This will be sent to you to complete and send back to the same mailbox.
  • The request will then be captured and completed by the Information Search Librarian Staff.

Publish date: 2023-10-09 00:00:00.0