SRC & Student Associations

Recognised student structures 2019

Eastern Cape Constitution List of Executives
The Association For The Advancement Of Black Accountants Of  South Africa Unisa Student Chapter (ABASA) Constitution of ABASA Executive Committee

Economic Freedom Fighters Students Command (EFFSC)

Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) Constitution of ANCYL Executive Committee
Accounting Science Students’ Association (ASSA) Constitution of ASSA Executive Committee
Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter (BLASC) Constitution of BLASC Executive Committee
Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) Constitution of DASO Executive Committee
Economic Freedom Fighters Students Command (EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Unisa Johannesburg Student Christian Fellowship (UNISA JHB SCF) Constitution of  UNISA JHB SCF Executive Committee
Science Engineering and Technology Student Association (SETSA) Constitution of SETSA Executive Committee
Unisa Law Students Association (ULSA) Constitution of ULSA Executive Committee
Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) Constitution of YCLSA
Kwa Zulu Natal
Association of Catholic  Tertiary Students ( ACTS) Constitution of ACTS Executive Committee
African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) Constitution of ANCYL Executive Committee
Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter (BLASC) Constitution of BLASC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Student Christian Fellowship (SCF) Constitution of SCF Executive Committee
Young Communist League Of South Africa (YCLSA) Constitution of YCLSA Executive Committee
African National Congress Youth League ( ANCYL) Constitution of ANCYL Executive Committee
Black Lawyers Association Students Chapter ( BLASC) Constitution of BLASC Executive Committee
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command ( EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Unisa Forum For Student With Disabilities Constitution of Unisa Forum For Student With Disabilities Executive Committee
Young Communist League Of South Africa (YCLSA) Constitution of YCLSA Executive Committee
African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) Constitution of ANCYL Executive Committee
Black Management Forum Student Chapter (BMFSC) Constitution of BMFSC Executive Committee
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Students’ Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) Constitution of YCLSA Executive Committee
Black Lawyers Association Students Chapter (BLASC) Constitution of BLASC
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Western Cape
Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) Constitution of DASO
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) Constitution of ANCYL Executive Committee
Accounting Sciences Student Association (ASSA) Constitution of ASSA Executive Committee
Black Lawyers Association Student Chapter (BLASC) Constitution of BLASC Executive Committee
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) Constitution of EFFSC Executive Committee
Gauteng Tertiary Institutions (GTI) Executive Committee
Gays & Lesbians Of University of South Africa (GLOUSA) Constitution of GLOUSA Executive Committee
National Democratic Association of Lawyers Student Chapter (NADEL) Constitution of NADEL Executive Committee
Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania (PASMA) Constitution of PASMA Executive Committee
UNISA Psychology Association (PsyNISA) Constitution of PsyNISA Executive Committee
South African Student Congress (SASCO) Constitution of SASCO Executive Committee
Student Christian Organization (SCO) Constitution of SCO Executive Committee

Unisa Association of Student With Disabilities

Constitution of Unisa Association of Student With Disabilities Executive Committee
Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) Constitution of YCLSA Executive Committee
ZCC Student Fellowship (ZCCSF) Constitution of ZCCSF Executive Committee

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 11:38:39 SAST 2023