
Coronavirus: President Ramaphosa addresses the nation and state of the disaster

Click here for the full statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on measures to combat Covid-19 epidemic.

List of measures announced by Cyril Ramaphosa:

  1. A national state of disaster is declared in terms of the Disaster Management Act.
  2. Travel ban from foreign nationals from high risk countries from 18 March 2020.
  3. All citizens advised to refrain from travel to or through high-risk countries effective immediately.
  4. SA citizens returning from high risk countries will have testing and self-isolation.
  5. All foreign nationals having arrived into the country since mid-February from high-risk areas must be tested.
  6. All spheres of government must not take non-essential travel.
  7. Gatherings of more than a 100 people are prohibited. Large events and celebrations are cancelled.
  8. Schools closed from Wednesday 18 March 2020 until the Easter weekend.
  9. Visits to all correctional facilities cancelled for the next 30 days.
  10. Government is working closely with universities, colleges etc to increase hygiene and put other appropriate responses in place.
  11. All businesses must ensure all measures taken to intensify hygiene control.
  12. All shopping centres must ensure all measures taken to intensify hygiene control.
  13. Capacity of health centres being increased nationally.
  14. Call for all to wash hands for 20 seconds.
  15. Call for all to sneeze with a closed hand into a tissue of elbow
  16. Call for all to avoid close contact with those who have flue like symptoms
  17. Call for all to practice the "elbow" greeting and not shake hands.
  18. Stop spreading fake and fear promoting news
  19. Surveillance and testing systems are being strengthened at hospitals.
  20. Partnering with the private sector to develop a tracing, tracking and monitoring system for all those affected by coronavirus.
  21. This virus will have significant and drastic effect on our economy.
  22. Calling on everyone to take various personal measures as previously stated (hygiene, elbow greetings, etc).
  23. Package to be put together as a response to the economic impact of the disease.
  24. Establishment of National Command Council chaired by Pres to meet 3 times a week to coordinate responses to pandemic.

Publish date: 2020-03-16 00:00:00.0