College of College of Graduate Studies

African knowledge to take its rightful place in postgraduate scholarship

Dr Nompumelelo Radebe, Chair of Department: Anthropology and Archaeology, College of Human Sciences

Streaming internationally to more than 15 countries, the first interdisciplinary seminar hosted by the School of Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Graduate Studies at Unisa was a huge success.    

The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the indigenisation of postgraduate scholarship. As one of Africa's leading higher education institutions, Unisa should place indigenisation in postgraduate scholarship at the centre of academic learning to displace colonial history, which has occupied learning institutions. The seminar's organisers argued that colonial ways had marginalised African knowledge within learning institutions. They further argued that it is time for African knowledge to be present in formal education.

Dr Nompumelelo Radebe, Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at Unisa, said that the indigenisation of postgraduate scholarships will establish an ecology of knowledge that will contribute to how we address our everyday challenges. Thus, seminar discussions encouraged higher learning institutions to bring indigenous knowledge to the fore. It was concluded that the indigenisation of postgraduate scholarship will also contribute to ensuring that, as an institution, Unisa remains true to its vision and mission, which is to become the African university in the service of humanity, shaping futures.

Click here to watch the seminar.

* By Hanli Wolhuter, Communication and Marketing Specialist, College of Graduate Studies, and Musa Buthelezi, Intern, College of Graduate Studies

Publish date: 2022-07-04 00:00:00.0

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