Study @ Unisa


Unisa uses an online system called Shadowmatch® to give you information about the habits and behaviours that will contribute to your study success.

  • It creates a benchmark profile of the behavioural habits of the top performers in each area of study.
  • It then maps your behavioural habits to determine your strengths and how you prefer interacting with your academic environment.

Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a report comparing your habits to those of the top-performing students in your area of study (the benchmark) and a personal development plan. The reports are easy to understand and provide useful information for your personal, graduate and academic development.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Rohn

Why has Unisa chosen Shadowmatch®?   

Shadowmatch was developed as a result of the following question: Why do some top high school students fail at university and why do others succeed? 

The research delivered some interesting results. Endorsed by students from all over the world, Shadowmatch® is proved to contribute to the knowledge that academic institutions have of their students and provide support to improve student success.

What our students think of Shadowmatch®

More than 52 999 students have completed the Shadowmatch® worksheet and the results show that students who perform well in any given qualification typically share the same habits and behaviours. Read more...

  • 27% learnt more about what habits will help them succeed.
  • 92% of participating Unisa students recommend Shadowmatch®.

What attributes does Shadowmatch® measure? 

Altruism Attitude Conceptual application Conflict handling
Discipline Frustration handling Innovation Leadership
People positive Problem solving Propensity to change Propensity to hand off
Propensity to own Resilience Responsiveness (tasks) Routine   
Self confidence Self-motivation    Task efficiency    Team and individual inclination   

Last modified: Tue Oct 22 12:20:30 SAST 2024