UNESCO - UNISA Africa Chair in nanoscience and nanotechnology

Flagship programmes

Community Engagement Activities

In line with its Vision & Mission, the U2ACN2 has embarked in 2 community engagement activities;

  1. “Adopt a learner flagship project” with the South African Agency for Science & Technology Advancement (SAASTA), and
  2. “Girls in Science and Technology” in line with the l’OREAL-UNESCO model.
  • Within the “Adopt a learner flagship project”, 3 adopted learners from the Eastern Cape province:
    • P. Theron (Grade 10, Focused High School, EC),
    • R. Faltein (Grade 11, Mosa Sibi Senior Secondary School, EC),
    • N. Ramabele (their teacher, Dept. Education, Maluti District),
  • 34th Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition 27- 30/3/2014, Beijing Technology and Business University Liangxiang campus, Fangshan district.
  • Adopted learners spent 2 intense weeks with U2ACN2 & Teacher Ramabele working on a project titled “Atmospheric power pilot-plant for out of grid rural areas”. They have finalized a lab prototype & a concise large poster presentation of a such a device aiming to harvest lightning as energy source
  • Winner Silver award/ 2nd Prize
  • Africa representative/30 000 applicants/3000 selected/300 competitors

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:01:22 SAST 2023