Unisa first-year journey e-mails: number 5
Did you know?
- Some Unisa assignments are compulsory, which means that you won't be allowed to write a module's examination unless you've completed the relevant assignments.
- Most assignments contribute to your final mark, so it's really important that you complete them according to the specified guidelines.
- Assignments help your lecturers to see whether you understand the module, and they help you to learn the course material and prepare for exams.
- Submitting an assignment via myUnisa is fast and reliable. It's also the easiest method. Simply login to myUnisa and follow the instructions onscreen.
Our focus this week is on helping you to prepare for and submit your assignments.
Activity 1: Learn more about the different types of assignments used at Unisa
- Read about Unisa's different types of assignments or on the Assignments website on myUnisa.
- Make sure that you understand the requirements of each assignment you have to submit. Read each module's Tutorial Letter 101 carefully for more information.
Activity 2: Read Unisa's student policies & rules
Unisa's student policies, rules and disciplinary code are available on myUnisa. It's very important that you read and understand these rules, as all your learning and study activities should be guided by academic integrity - doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Keep your end goal in mind - your completed qualification - and commit to doing your own assignments and other academic work.
Next week
Our focus for next week is on negotiating support from others. To contact the university, click here.
All the best for your studies this week!