Community Engagement and Outreach

Engaged Scholarship

Unisa is Engaged

At Unisa, we grasp the profound significance of higher education for freedom, democracy and nation-building. Higher education set in the direction of national, continental and international development goals can produce the thinking and ideation required for scholarship to meet Society’s needs.

Capacity Building and Professional Development

Unisa's Community Engagement and Outreach division (DCEO) has developed a capacity building programme to support and develop engaged scholarship.


This is the summary info

Unisa is ’n betrokke universiteit

As die grootste universiteit op die Afrika-vasteland is Unisa verbind tot die herlewing van Afrika deur middel van deurdringende vakkundige en ontwikkelingsvennootskappe wat verbeterde akademiese en ontwikkelingsuitkomste in die hand werk. Ons betrokke kolleges en vakkundiges werk saam met gemeenskappe en netwerke om toepaslike oplossings vir hedendaagse ontwikkelingsuitdagings wat onstuitbaar blyk te wees, te soek.