Important notice regarding payments: When you make any payment to Unisa, use your 8-digit student number, then a space and then your allocation as a reference number (eg 12345678 5400374721) to avoid delays in the allocation of your payment and your application or registration.
CLICK HERE for a digital banking "how-to" guide. | CLICK HERE for a "how-to" guide on how to do Unisa ATM deposits.
- For any enquiries, please contact the Master's & Doctoral Administration Support Section for assistance:
- For any enquiries regarding the examination of the M&D research component (dissertation/thesis), please send an e-mail to
Registration dates for 2025
Registration opens |
Registration closes |
Final date for payment |
Master's and doctoral qualifications
8 January 2025 |
31 March 2025 |
31 March 2025 |
MCompt, Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Business Leadership (MBL)
8 January 2025 |
21 February 2025 |
21 February 2025 |
Click here for the master's & doctoral qualifications: exceptions. The procedures below are only for students registering for these "exception" qualifications.
- First-time registering students outside of the published registration dates will be assisted manually to register.
- Re-registering Unisa students must register during the prescribed registration period.