Offering study opportunities to over 370 000 students from across South Africa, Africa and other parts of the world, Unisa offers a diverse choice of study fields at levels from certificate to degree. The university is considered South Africa’s most productive*, accounting for 12.8% of all degrees conferred by the country’s 26 public universities and universities of technology.
This, combined with the fact that Unisa has increased its African student population to the extent that they are now in the majority, leaves no doubt that Unisa is the university contributing most to the transformation of the South African higher education landscape.
Ukuhlinzeka ngamathuba okufunda kubafundi abangaphezu kuka-370 000 abavela kulo lonke elaseNingizimu Afrika, e-Afrika nakwezinye izingxenye zomhlaba, i-Unisa ihlinzeka ngezindlela ezihlukahlukene zokukhetha imikhakha yokufunda emazingeni ukusuka esitifiketini kuye kweyeziqu. Imfundo ephekeme ithathwa njengekhiqiza kakhulu eNingizimu Afrika*, ibalwa ku-12.8% zazo zonke iziqu eziikezwe izimfundo eziphakeme zomphakathi ezingama-26 nezimfundo eziphameke zezobuchwepheshe zezwe.
Lokhu, kuhlangene nokuthi i-Unisa inyuse inani labafundi base-Afrika kangangokuthi manje sebebaningi, akushiyanga kungabaza ukuthi i-Unisa iyona mfundo ephakeme enegalelo elikhulu ekuguquleni isimo semfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu Afrika.
E nehelana ka menyetla ya ho ithuta ho baithuti ba fetang 370 000 ba tswang ho pholletsa le Afrika Borwa, Afrika le dikarolo tse ding tsa lefatshe, Unisa e nehelana ka dikgetho tse fapaneng tsa dibaka tsa boithuto maemong a ho tloha ho setifikeiti ho isa lengolong la grata. Yunivesiti e nkuwa e le yona e behang ditholwana* ka ho fetesisa Afrika Borwa, e ikarabellang bakeng sa 12.8% ya digrata tsohle tse fanweng ke diunivesiti tsa naha tse 26 tsa naha le diunivesiti tsa theknoloji.
Sena, ha mmoho le taba ya hore Unisa e ekeditse palo ya baithuti ba yona ba MaAfrika ho fihlela moo ba seng ba le bangata, ha ho na pelaelo ya hore Unisa ke yunivesiti e nang le seabo haholo phetohong ya maemo a thuto e phahameng ya Afrika Borwa.
Unisa bied studiegeleenthede aan meer as 370 000 studente oor Suid-Afrika, Afrika en ander dele van die wêreld heen. Die universiteit bied uiteenlopende studievelde op vlakke wat wissel van sertifikate tot grade. Unisa word as Suid-Afrika se produktiefste* universiteit beskou – 12,8% van alle grade wat deur die land se 26 openbare universiteite en universiteite van tegnologie toegeken word, word deur Unisa opgelewer.
Hierdie statistieke, tesame met die feit dat Unisa se Afrika-studente sodanig vermeerder het dat hulle nou in die meerderheid is, laat geen twyfel dat Unisa die universiteit is wat die grootste bydrae tot die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwyslandskap lewer.