Department of Geography

Dr TC Dirsuweit

College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
School of Ecological and Human Sustainability
Department: Geography
Senior Lecturer
011 471 2752


  • Food security and sovereignty studies
  • Gender and city
  • Urban Studies
  • Urban Transformation


  • PhD (2003) University of the Witwatersrand

Currently teaching

  • GGH2605 - Environmental Politics

Fields of academic interests

  • The Right to the City, Urban Transformation, Urban Citizenship, Smart Cities; Urban Sustainability
  • Geographies of Gender; Space and the Body; Women in Science.

Field of Specialisation

  • Urban Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Participation Processes


  • Dirsuweit, T., 2014: The fear of others: Responses to crime and urban transformation in Johannesburg, in Alison Todes, A., Chris Wray, C., Gotz, G., Harrison, P., Changing Spaces, Changing City: Johannesburg After Apartheid, Wits University Press, Braamfontein.
  • Dirsuweit, T., 2009: Les fermetures de rues represéntent-elles une forme de sécession urbaine ? Le cas de Sandton, 1994-2001, Sécurisation des quartiers et gouvernance locale, Karthala, Paris.

Journal articles

  • Moyo, B., Dirsuweit, T., Cameron, A. 2017. Meaningful Participation in Indigenous Communities: The case of Mapela, Limpopo Province. Transformation, 94, 28 - 50.
  • Dirsuweit, T. and Wafer, A. 2016. Suburban Road-Closures and the Ruinous Landscapes of Privilege in Johannesburg. Social Dynamics. 42(3), 395 – 410.
  • Dirsuweit, T. and Mohamed, S. 2016. Vertical and horizontal communities of practice: gender and geography in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal. 98 (3), 531-54.1




Journal reference

Moyo, B.
Dirsuweit, T.
Cameron, A.


Meaningful Participation in Indigenous Communities: The case of Mapela, Limpopo Province

94, 28 - 50

Dirsuweit, T.
Wafer, A


Suburban Road-Closures and the Ruinous Landscapes of Privilege in Johannesburg

Social Dynamics
42(3), 395 – 410

Dirsuweit, T.
Mohamed, S.


Vertical and horizontal communities of practice: gender and geography in South Africa

South African Geographical Journal
98 (3), 531-541