Department of Geography

Prof RW Pretorius

College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
School of Ecological and Human Sustainability
Department: Geography
Associate Professor
011 471 3680


  • Education for sustainability
  • Open and distance learning applications in geography and environmental study fields
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning in geography
  • Sustainable development in higher education


  • PhD Geography (Unisa, 2017)
  • MBL (Unisa, 2000)
  • MSc (Geography; UP, 1982)
  • BSc (Hons – Geography; UP) (Cum laude)
  • BSc (Majoring in Geography and Mathematics; UP)

Currently teaching

  • GGH1501 - Know Your World: Introduction to Geography

Fields of academic interests

  • Education for sustainability
  • Open and distance learning applications in geography and environmental study fields
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning in geography
  • Sustainable development in higher education

Field of Specialisation

  • Environmental Geography
  • Sustainability studies
  • Teaching and learning in Geography


  • Pretorius, R.W., 2021, An exploration of interdisciplinary settings as intellectual spaces for sustainability in higher education, Chapter (389-405) in Leal Filho, W. et al. (Eds.) “Teaching Sustainable Development”. Edgar Elgar, London.
  • Pretorius, R.W., 2021, Chapter 4- South Africa, Chapter (92-103) in McCowan, T. et al. (Eds.) “The Role of Universities and their Leaders facing the Grand Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainability. Global University Leaders Council, Hamburg.
  • Leal Filho W., de Sousa L.O., Pretorius R. 2021. Future Prospects of Sustainable Development in Africa, Chapter (733-741) in Leal Filho W., Pretorius R., de Sousa L.O. (Eds.) Sustainable Development in Africa.  Springer, Cham.
  • Pretorius, R.W. and Nicolau, M.D., 2020, Empowering communities to drive sustainable development: Reflections on experiences from rural South Africa, Chapter (529-545) in Leal Filho, W. et al (Eds.) “Universities and Sustainable Communities: meeting the goals of the Agenda 2030”. Springer, Cham.
  • Wilson, G.D. and Pretorius, R.W., 2020. “Adding value to open and distance learning programmes in nature conservation through sustainability related work-integrated learning”, Chapter  (449-469) in Leal Filho, W. et al (Eds.) “Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”. Springer, Cham.
  • Pretorius, R.W, 2019, “Towards an integrated disciplinary narrative and an enhanced role for Geography in Education for Sustainability:  Reflections on South African Higher Education”, Chapter (291-311) in Leal Filho, W. and Consorte-McCrea, A. (Eds.) Sustainability and Humanities: linking social values, theology and spirituality towards sustainability. (World Sustainability Series). Springer, Cham.
  • Nicolau, M.D., Pretorius, R.W., De Jager, A.E. and Lombard, A., 2018, “Empowerment for sustainability in a community context: Lifelong learning and story of the Big 5 Community Tourism Forum, Koffiekraal/Brakkuil (South Africa)”, Chapter (29-44) in Leal Filho, W, Mifsud, M. and Pace, P. (Eds.) Handbook of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. (World Sustainability Series). Springer, New York.
  • Pretorius, R.W, 2018, “Towards an integrated disciplinary narrative and an enhanced role for Geography in Education for Sustainability:  Reflections on South African Higher Education”, Chapter in Leal Filho, W. and Consorte-McCrea, A. (Eds.) Sustainability and Humanities: linking social values, theology and spirituality towards sustainability. (World Sustainability Series). Springer, New York. (In press)
  • Wilson, G.D. and Pretorius, R.W., 2017,  “Utilising work-integrated learning to enhance student participation and engagement in sustainability issues in open and distance learning”, Chapter (245-257) in Leal Filho, W., Skanavis, C., Do Paço, A., Rodgers, J., Kuznetsova, O and Castro, P. (Eds.) Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Vol 2 (World Sustainability Series). Springer, New York.

Journal articles

  • Pretorius, R.W., Carow, S., Wilson, G. and Schmitz, P., 2021, “Towards best practice in teaching and learning of sustainability related modules requiring real-world engagement in open, distance and e-learning”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 22 (6), 1316-1335.
  • Pretorius, R.W., Anderson, R.L, Khotoo, A. and Pienaar, R., 2019,  "Creating  a  context for  campus  sustainability  through  teaching  and  learning", International  Journal  of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (3), 530-547.
  • Leal Filho, W., Brandli, L., Becker, D.,  Skanavis, C., Kounani, A., Sardif, C., Papaioannidou, D.,  Azeiteiro, U., de Sousa, L., Raath, S., Pretorius, R., Vargas, V.R., Shiel, C, Trencher, G. and  Marans, R., 2018, “Sustainable Development Policies as Indicators and Pre-Conditions for Sustainability Efforts at Universities: fact or fiction?”,  International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19 (1), 85-113.
  • Leal Filho, W., Guerra, B.A., Mifsud, M. and Pretorius, R.W., 2017, “Universities as Living Labs for sustainable development: A global perspective”, Environmental Scientist 26 (4), 8-15
  • Pretorius, R.W., Lombard, A. and Khotoo, A., 2016, "Adding value to education for sustainability in Africa with inquiry-based approaches in open and distance learning". International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol 17, No 2, 167-187.
  • Leal Filho, W., Chiappetta, J.C. and Pretorius, R.W. (Eds.), 2016, “Evaluation and programme planning in sustainable development”.  Evaluation and program planning,  54, 121-122.

Paper presentations

  • “Towards greater relevance of Education for Sustainable Development in the context of Higher Education in Africa”, keynote address read at the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) - First Virtual International Conference, 11-13 August  2021. National University of Science and Technology: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  • “A critical review of the contribution of African Higher Education Institutions to a more sustainable future”, paper co-authored with M. Nocolau and L. Adriaanse and read at the  simposium Accelerating the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa,5-6 March 2020. University of South Africa: Pretoria.
  • "Adding value to open and distance learning programmes in nature conservation through sustainability related work-integrated learning", paper co-authored with G. Wilson and read at the 4th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, 28-30 August 2019. Universiti Sains Malaysi: Penang.
  • "Towards an integrated disciplinary narrative and an enhanced role for Geography in Education for Sustainability:  Reflections on South African Higher Education ", paper read at the Symposium on Sustainability and the Humanities: Linking social values, theology and spirituality towards sustainability, 9 November 2017. Canterbury Christchurch Univeristy: Canterbury, UK
  • "Utilising work-integrated learning to enhance student participation and engagement in sustainability issues in open and distance learning ", paper co-authored with G. Wilson at the 3rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, 14-16 September 2016. MIT: Cambridge, MA.
  • "Empowerment for sustainability in a community context: Lifelong learning and story of the Big 5 Community Tourism Forum, Koffiekraal/Brakkuil (South Africa)", paper co-authored with M.D. Nicolau, A.E. De Jager & A. Lombard and read at the World Symposium on Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development, 2-4 March 2016. University of Malta, Malta.
  • "The role of Geography in multi-inter-trans-disciplinary study programmes for environmental sustainability", paper co-authored with U.J Fairhurst and read at the 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, 5-6 September 2015. Manchester Metropolitan University: Manchester
  • "Virtual learning environments for transformation to sustainability: A case study from the South", paper co-authored with M.D. Nicolau, J. Immelman, A.E. de Jager, A. du Plessis and M. Nöthling and read at the 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, 5-6 September 2015. Manchester Metropolitan University: Manchester.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Associate editor:  International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
  • Deputy editor:  Discover Sustainability
  • Member of Editorial Board: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie
  • Co-editor:  Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development  in Higher Education (Springer, 2017)
  • Co-editor:  Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Springer, 2020)
  • Co-editor:  Universities, Sustainability and Society: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Springer, 2021)
  • Co-editor:  Sustainable Development in Africa: Fostering Sustainability in one of the World’s Most Promising Continents (Springer, 2021)
  • Section editor:  Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education (Springer, 2019)
  • Section editor:  Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Quality Education (Springer, 2020)
  • Recipient of Unisa Excellence in Tuition Award: 2009


  • Collaborator:  “World Study on the Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions”. Coordinated by the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme and the Hamburg University of Applied Science, with participation by 14 universities worldwide.
  • Collaborator:  International editorial project on the SGDs: “Implementing the UN SDGs – Regional Perspectives”. Deputy editor for Volume 3 on Africa and the Middle East.
  • South African Project Leader: “Digital Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals in higher education teaching – regional aspects in implementing the SDGs from Brazil and South Africa” – Collaboration (2022-2025) between Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Unisa and University of Passo Fundo (Brazil)