Department of Geography

Prof P Schmitz

College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
School of Ecological and Human Sustainability
Department: Geography
Associate Professor
011 471 2262


  • Crime mapping and analysis
  • Data logistics and supply chain management
  • Forensic Geography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • Location-allocation analysis
  • Spatial analysis
  • Surface hydrology


  • PhD Geography (UJ 2008)

Currently teaching

  • GGH2603 - The Interpretation of Maps, Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images

Fields of academic interests

  • Forensic Geography
  • Food security and fortunate indices
  • Supply chain management
  • Poaching and piracy

Field of Specialisation

  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Forensic Geography
  • Supply chain management


  • 2015: Schmitz P, Cooper A, Kruger T, Speed K, Barkhuizen M, Lochner T and Linnen C 2015: Space Time Visualisation for Investigative and Forensic Purposes. In Robbi Sluter C, Madureira Cruz CB and Leal de Menezes PM (Eds) (2015) Cartography - Maps Connecting the World. 27th International Cartographic Conference 2015. Publications of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-17737-3
  • 2017: Schmitz, P. 2017, Displaying Voter Gains and Losses: Local Government Elections in South Africa for 2011 and 2016. In Peterson, M.P. (Ed) 2017. Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International Cartographic Conference 2017, Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-57335-9.
  • 2017. Schmitz, P., Goncelves, D. and Jacobs, M. 2017 Mapping Community Vulnerability to Poaching: A Whole-of-Society Approach. In Peterson, M.P. (Ed) 2017. Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International Cartographic Conference 2017, Springer International Publishing AG, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-57335-9.
  • 2019. Editors: Döllner, Jürgen, Jobst, Markus, Schmitz, Peter (Eds.) 2019 Service-Oriented Mapping Changing Paradigm in Map Production and Geoinformation Management. Part of the Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography series of the International Cartographic Association published by Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-72434-8
  • 2019: Schmitz P, Heymans J, Claassens A, Carow S and Knight C. 2019. Humanitarian Demaning and the Cloud: Demining in Afghanistan and the Western Sahara. In Döllner, Jürgen, Jobst, Markus, Schmitz, Peter (Eds.) Service-Oriented Mapping Changing Paradigm in Map Production and Geoinformation Management. Part of the Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography series of the International Cartographic Association published by Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-72434-8
  • 2019: Schmitz P. 2019. Supply Chains and Decentralized Map Productions. In Döllner, Jürgen, Jobst, Markus, Schmitz, Peter (Eds.) Service-Oriented Mapping Changing Paradigm in Map Production and Geoinformation Management. Part of the Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography series of the International Cartographic Association published by Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-72434-8.
  • 2019: Schmitz, P. and Gonçalves, D. 2019. Using GIS and cartography as part of the whole-of-society approach to determine coercion into marine wildlife poaching and piracy, Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the International Cartographic Association, 1, 18,, 2019.

Journal articles

  • Schmitz, P., Eksteen, S. and de Bruin, S. 2015, Towards a new way of measuring service delivery in Gauteng: Calculating a Fortunate Index. South African Journal of Geomatics, 4(3) Geomatics Indaba Special Edition pp 317-325
  • 2015: Schmitz, P., Cooper, A., de Jong, T. and Rossmo, D., 2015: Mapping Criminal Activity Space. Journal of Intelligence Analysis, 22(2).
  • 2016: Schmitz, P. 2016: The use of supply chains and supply chain management in the production of forensic maps using data from a fraud case. South African Journal of Geomatics, 5(2) Geomatics Indaba Special Edition pp 156-174
  • 2018: Holloway, J.P., Ittmann, H.W., Dudeni-Tlhone, N. & Schmitz, P.M.U., 2018: From SA to the USA: Election forecasting. Orion 34 (2), pp. 83-106
  • 2019: Peter, X.K., Jiba, Z., Schmitz, P., Ramaloko, P. & Stipinovich, J., 2019: Effects of TNT contaminated soil on vegetation at an explosive range by probing UPLC-qTOF MS profiling method. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 167 (2019) pp 324–330

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Registered Professional GISc Practitioner at South African Geomatics Council (PGP0038)
  • International Cartographic Association Commission Chair: Map Production and Geoinformation Management (2015 – 2019)
  • Bronze Medal of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science, Sponsored by Sentrachem Limited, awarded by the Science Faculty of UDW for best Master’s Thesis in 1992.


  • Humanitarian demining with CSIR
  • Forensic geomorphology looking at cycads