Department of Inclusive Education

Dr TI Mashau

College of Education
School of Educational Studies
Department: Inclusive Education
Senior Lecturer
012 481 2784


  • PhD- Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Specialisation in Learner support- Health promotion in schools.
  • MEd. Magister of Educationis Degree: Specialisation in Learner support
  • BEd.  Honors Degree: Specialisation in Learner support
  • ACE: Advanced Certificate in Education: Specialisation in Inclusive Education; Barriers to learning, and Learner Support
  • STD: Secondary Teachers’ Diploma in Education

Currently teaching

  • Quality Education for All: Theoretical Perspectives -MEDSN1A  
  • Inclusive Education (Generic module)- INC3701

Fields of academic interests

  • Theoretical frameworks/perspectives on Inclusive Education
  •  Inclusive Education
  •  Student support in ODel context
  •  Health Promotion in Higher Education Institution

Field of Specialisation

  • Health promotion in schools
  • Learner/ teacher support in inclusive education settings
  • Parental involvement


Mashau TI. Politics and Disability. In Maguvhe M.O. and Magano M.D. (2015). Disability in Context: A socio-educational perspective in modern politics. Cengage Publishers. ISBN 9781473719071

Mashau TI. Reading For All. In Magano M.D. and Ramnarain U. (2015). Including the Excluded. Pearson Publishers. ISBN 9781775952992

Mashau TI. A framework of support to understand health promotion in inclusive settings. In Ledwaba, G & Mophosho M. (January 2022). Inclusion, learner support and assistive technology-An African approach to helping learners learn. Van Schaik Publishers. ISBN 978 0627 038112, e ISBN 978 0627 038 129

Mashau TI. Health promotion and Inclusive education in higher education institution settings. In Vincent, L and Chiwandire, D. ‘Making the circle bigger’ South African Higher Education, social justice and students with disabilities. Unisa Press (In review).

Mashau TI.  Understanding non-verbal learning disabilities- an African perspective. In Maguvhe, MO and Maapola-Thobejane, HR.  Shifting paradigms of disabilities in the schooling system (an African perspectives)- (In review).

Paper presentations

Mashau TI. 9th Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Elephant Hill Resort (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe), 7-10 October 2019. Revisiting teacher’s professional identity and health promotion in schools in the Gauteng Province.

Mashau TI. South African Education Research Association (SAERA), St George Hotel, Pretoria 22- 24 October 2018, Exploring the role of teachers as promoters of health in enhancing learner’s health in schools in South Africa.

Mashau TI. 8th Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Drakensberg Sun Resort, KZN, 09-12 October 2018, The critical view of the pedagogy of school health promotion in South Africa

Mashau TI. EASA Conference, Khaya iBhubesi on the Vaal River, North-West Province Parys, Free state, 8-11 January 2017 Educator’s understanding of health promoting school concept and the implications in Gauteng schools, South Africa. 

Mashau TI. 26th ICDE World Conference, 14-16 October 2015, Sun City, The changes and challenges in the educational landscape and health promotion in the ODeL context.

Mashau TI.  AEDA Conference, 07-09 April Rustenburg 2014, Sweet Waters Hotel. Parental roles towards the creation of health promoting in school.

Mashau TI. EASA International Annual Conference at Golden Gate National Park Hotel, 12 – 15 January 2014.   Conference theme:  The long walk to freedom:  Complexities and successes on the road to improved education in South(ern) Africa.  Promoting health of a boy child in the classroom

Mashau TI. 10th ISSBD African Regional Workshop Conference, 25-27 2013 September, University of South Africa, Pretoria, The role of a teacher as a promoter of health: implications for schools in South Africa.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Senior lecturer in the Department of Inclusive Education
  •  College Higher Degrees Chair (CHDC) (2021)
  • Member of the Quality Assurance Committee
  • Member of EASA and SAERA  
  • Member of Risk Enterprise Management
  • Member of SoTL
  • Member of OHS
  • Coordinator of Social Committee


  • Prison and special schools project
  • Health promotion in TVET Colleges
  • Health promotion in primary schools


Reading and literacy in Sunnyside outreach program