Department of Psychology of Education

Dr LM Ubisi

College of Education
School of Educational Studies
Department: Psychology of Education
012 429 2024


  • PhD in Psychology (Wits) 2022
  • BA Psychology (Unisa) - 2014
  • BA Hon Psychology (Wits) - 2015
  • MA in Social & Psychological Research (Wits) - 2017

Currently teaching

  • PDP4804
  • PDP4801
  • PED3701
  • PGL4804

Fields of academic interests

  • Sexuality of children and youth (comprehensive sexuality education in schools)
  • Sexuality of persons living with disabilities (sexual and reproductive health rights)
  • Sexuality of non-normative sexualities (gender and sexuality diversity)
  • Sexuality of individuals living with HIV (sexual partners of HIV-infected individuals)

Field of Specialisation

  • Psychology of sexual minorities:
  • Evil and sexuality 

Journal articles

  • Ubisi, L. (2021). Addressing LGBT+ issues in comprehensive sexuality education for learners with visual impairment: guidance from disability professionals. Sex Education, 21(3), 347-361.
  • Ubisi, L. (2021). Queering South Africa’s Protective School Policy for LGBT+ Youth: The Nare Mphale Case. Journal of Educational Studies, 2021(si1), 106-138.
  • Ubisi, L. (2021). The Sexuality of Disabled Bodies and Individuals with Disability in South Africa's Comprehensive Sexuality Education Scripted Lesson Plans. Sexuality and Disability, 39(2), 291-307.
  • Ubisi, L. (2021). De/coloniality, disabled sexualities, and anti-oppressive education: a review of Southern African literature. South African Journal of Psychology, 51(1), 175-185.
  • Ubisi, L. (2021). A comparative analysis between the religious and comprehensive sexuality education policies in South African schools. Journal of LGBT Youth, 1-17.
  • Molekoa, M. T., Ubisi, L., Sefotho, M., & Ferreira, R. (2021). Full-service schoolteachers’ views of career construction for learners with visual impairment. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-20.
  • Ubisi, L. (2020). Analysing the hegemonic discourses on comprehensive sexuality education in South African schools. Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), (81), 118-135.
  • Ubisi, L. (2020). Using governmentality and performativity theory to understand the role of social attitudes in young people with visual impairment access to sexual and reproductive health services. Gender & Behaviour, 18(2), 15399 -15408.


  • NRF Thuthuka PhD-track (2021-2023): Development of a comprehensive sexuality education manual for learners with visual impairment