Department of Psychology of Education

Dr PP Mahlangu

College of Education
School of Educational Studies
Department: Psychology of Education


  • Senior Primary Teachers’ Diploma – Ndebele College of Education
  • BA (Education and psychology) UP
  • B.Ed (Guidance and counselling) UP
  • B.Ed (Educational psychology) UP
  • M.Ed (Educational psychology) UP
  • PhD (Learning support, guidance, and counselling) UP

Currently teaching

  • PDT4803
  • TMS 3722
  • TMN 3703
  • CAD 1501
  • PED 3701
  • PDP4803
  • PDP4804
  • ACNS02Q

Fields of academic interests

  • Career guidance and counselling
  • Teaching and learning support
  • Child and adolescent development

Field of Specialisation

  • Educational psychology
  • Education

Journal articles

  • Human-Vogel, S & Mahlangu, PP (2009). Commitment in academic context: First year students’ beliefs about the aspects of self, the lecturer, and instruction. South African Journal of Higher Education, 23(2), 309 – 328).

Paper presentations

  • Educational psychology seminar held at University of Western Cape (October 2023) - The effect of life design counselling on high school learners’ career indecision.


  • Empowerment and capacity building with current and former professional football players (project leader)