Department of Psychology of Education

Prof E Venter

College of Education
School of Educational Studies
Department: Psychology of Education
012 429 4751


  • Philosophy of Education
  • Psychology of Education
  • Religious Education


  • BA(HOD)
  • HBEd
  • MEd (Philosophy of Education)
  • DEd (Philosophy of Education)
  • Hons (Psychology)
  • MEd (Guidance & Counselling)

Fields of academic interests

Research interest:

  • Critical Theory
  • Hermeneutics
  • Phenomenology
  • African Philosophy & IKS
  • Discipline, punishment & violence in schools
  • Bullying
  • perceptions of people
  • communication
  • ODL and communication 

Field of Specialisation

  • Philosophy of Education
  • Psychology of Education


Book chapter:

  • Venter, E, Franzsen, K & van Heerden E 2000. An Analysis of the Effect of Recent Policy Changes on Values and Education in South Africa in Systems of Education: Theories, Policies and Implicit Values - Volume 1 in Series on Education, Culture and Values edited by Mal Leicester, Celia Modgil & Sohan Modgil. London: Falmer Press

Journal articles

  • Venter, E.1997. A Philosophy of Education in a new South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education 11(1): 57-64
  • Venter, E. 2000. Capacity-building in the Development of a Curriculum for Philosophy of Education. South African Journal of Education 20(1): 66-69
  • Venter, E. 2001. A Constructivist Approach to Learning and Teaching.  South African Journal for Higher Education 15(2):86-92
  • Venter, E & van Heerden, E. 2001. Expectations of Students versus Expectations of Lecturers in a Postgraduate Module in Open and Distance Learning. Progressio(online publication)
  • Van Niekerk, LJ & Venter, E. 2002. (De)constructing Globalisation. South African Journal for Higher Education 16(1): 99-105
  • Higgs, LG  Higgs, P  Venter, E.  2003. Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Innovation in Higher Education. South African Journal of Higher Education  17(2):40-45
  • Venter, E. 2004. The Notion of Ubuntu and Communalism in African Educational Discourse. Studies in Philosophy and Education 23(2-3):149-160
  • Venter, E & Roets, HE.  2007. Lay Perceptions of Psychotherapists in South Africa. Journal of Psychology in Africa 17(1&2):129-131
  • Venter, E & Swanepoel, JI  2008.  A Partnership Model in a School-based Approach to Teacher Training in South Africa. Acta Academica 40 (4):224-241
  • Venter, E 2010. Teaching Social Skills in the Language Classroom. Journal for the South African Association for Language Teaching 44(2): 120-131.
  • Venter, E & Rambau, E 2011. The Effect of a Latchkey Situation on a Child’s Educational Success. South African Journal of Education 31:345-356.
  • Venter, E and Ferreira, JG  2011. Barriers to Learning at an Open Distance Learning Institution. Progressio 33(1):80-93
  • Venter, E & van Niekerk, LJ. 2011. Reconsidering the Role of Power, Punishment and Discipline in South African Schools. Koers 76(2)
  • MM Letseka & E Venter. 2012. Student teachers’ understanding of African Philosophy. Koers 77(1&2)