Department of Science and Technology Education

Approved NRF Competetive Programme for Rated Researchers

Dr Ntuli invited to be a keynote speaker at Musi Seconday School's grade 12 prize-giving ceremony

Dr Thuli Ntuli was invited by Chief Magodongo MS Mahlangu to be a keynote speaker at Musi Secondary School's prize-giving ceremony.

Yong Academics Programme 2023

The Department of Science and Technology Education celebrates with Dr Nonkanyiso Shabalala and Dr Patricia Photo for being admitted into the Young Academics Programme for 2023.

We are incredibly proud of you colleagues and may you continue to fly the DeSTE flag high.


Human Resource Development Council of South Africa Science Report finalisation

Members of the Human Resource Development Council of South Africa Science standing from various institutions conviened to compile a report of curriculum recommendations. The Science standing is chaired by Prof Awelani V Mudau.

Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Science Standing Committee Report Finalisation chaired by Prof Awelani V Mudau

Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Science Standing Committee Report Finalisation chaired by Prof Awelani V Mudau with academics from University of South Africa (Unisa), University of Johannesburg (UJ), University of Zululand (Unizulu), University of Free State (UFS), University of Venda (Univen), Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT),  University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), Central University of Technology (CUT), and Primary Science Programme (PSP).

The report was compliled after discussions by colleagues in the council.