Department of Development Studies

Dr B Dube

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Development Studies
Senior Lecturer
012 429 3700


  • BA UZ
  • BA Hon Gender Studies UNISA
  • MA Development Studies UNISA
  • PhD Development Studies (UP)

Currently teaching

  • Projects and Programmes as Instruments of Development
  • Sustainable Development: Policy, Practice and Environment

Fields of academic interests

  • Gender
  • Water and climate change
  • Sustainable livelihoods
  • Rural and urban development
  • Postcolonial debates


Book Chapters:

Maphosa, B. (2012). Summarising basic needs. In 80:20: Development in an Unequal World 6th Edition edited by C Regan. 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, Bray, Ireland Unisa Press, Pretoria, South Africa

Maphosa, B. (2016). Basic Needs Population and Development. In 80:20: Development in an Unequal World 7th Edition edited by C Regan. 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World


Journal articles

Dube, B. 2020. Contrasting views on women and individual water rights: A case study in South Africa. African Journal of Gender, Society and Development, Volume 9 Number 3, September 2020, pp 251-276.

Dube, B. 2020. Deficit thinking in South Africa's water allocation reform discourses: a cultural discourse perspective, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, DOI: 10.1080/17447143.2020.1835926.

Dube, B. 2019. The Exclusion of Black Men in South African Gender Discourses: Rethinking Gender, Patriarchy and Male Privilege. Africa Insight 49(1), pp.37 – 51

Maphosa, B. 2016. Alleviating poverty through resource provision: case of a South African agricultural project. International Journal of African Renaissance ( IJARS) 11(1), pp45-63

Maphosa, B. 2010. Addressing the challenges of women’s advancement in water sector professions. Africanus Journal, Volume 40(2)

Paper presentations

Maphosa, B. (2018). Revived effort to address persistent water sector inequalities: An analysis of legislation from a decolonial perspective. Decolonisation and Re-Afrikanisation: A conversation. Unisa Senate Hall, 6-8 August 2018.


Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Member of SADSA – South African Development Studies Association
  • Member of SAAGS - South African Association for Gender Studies


  • Response of urban and peri-urban aquatic ecosystems to riparian zones land uses and human settlements
  • Decolonising water access and allocation: a renewed effort to address persistent inequalities in the water sector.



Research Reports

Dube, R., Maphosa, B and Scott-Goldman, J. (2014). The role of local community institutions in the adaptation of rural and urban communities to the impacts of climate change on water access and use. WRC Report No. 1963/1/14

Dube, R., Maphosa, B and Fayemiwo, D. (2016). Adaptive climate change technologies and approaches for local governments: Water sector response. WRC Report No. TT 663/16

Dube, R., Maphosa, B, Malan. A, Fayemiwo, D.M, Ramulondi, D & Zuma, T.A. (2017). Response of urban and peri-urban aquatic ecosystems to riparian zones land uses and human settlements: A study of the rivers, Juskei, Kuils and Pienaars. WRC Report No. 2339/1/17

