Department of Development Studies

Dr B Mpofu

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Development Studies
Senior Lecturer
012 429 6653


  • PhD Humanities (University of Edinburgh).
  • MA-African Economic History (UZ).
  • BA Special Honours -Economic History (UZ) and
  • BA General (UZ).
  • Certificate of Achievement: Academic Management Capacity Development, UNISA-2017.
  • Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision Course (30 Credits), -Rhodes University-2016.

Fields of academic interests

  • Third world urbanisation and the history of African cities, including:  housing poverty and inequality, migration and urban citizenship struggles;
  • Inclusive development, development discourse and theory,
  • Critical enquiry into African knowledge production and epistemological systems and
  • Land reform and agrarian histories in Africa.

Field of Specialisation

  • African Economic History
  • African Urban History
  • Land reform and agrarian histories in Africa


Books (Published) (Co–edited)

  • Busani Mpofu and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). (2020). The Dynamics of Changing Higher Education in the Global South, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
  • Busani Mpofu and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). 2019. Rethinking and Unthinking Development: Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Busani Mpofu and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). 2018. Security, Conflicts, Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and Peacebuilding in Africa. Austin/Texas: Pan African University Press.

Book Chapters-Published

  • Busani Mpofu and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni. 2020. “The Changing Idea of the University in Africa”, in Busani Mpofu and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). The Dynamics of Changing Higher Education in the Global South, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 14-30.
  • Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & Busani Mpofu. 2020. “Revisiting the Truman Version of Development and Eurafrica Project of underdeveloping Africa”, in V. Jakupc, M. Kelly, and J. Makuwira, (eds) Rethinking Multilateralism in Foreign Aid: Beyond the Neoliberal Hegemony. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon. And New York. pp. 46-62.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2019. “Understanding the Conceptualisation African Families: A Social Policy Development Poser in South Africa”, in Busani Mpofu and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). Rethinking and Unthinking Development: Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty in South Africa and Zimbabwe. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. pp. 197-211.
  • Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni and Busani Mpofu. 2019. ‘The End of Development and the Rise of Decoloniality as the Future’, in Busani Mpofu and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). Rethinking and Unthinking Development: Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 251-266.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2018. “The Land Question, Agriculture, Industrialisation and the Economy in Zimbabwe: A Critical Reflection”, in Akanle, Olayinka and Jimi Olalekan Tosin Adesisa (eds), Development of Africa-Issues, Diagnoses and Prognoses (Springer publishers), pp. 115-132.
  • Mpofu, Busani and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni. 2017. Joshua Nkomo and Nelson Mandela: A Comparative Study of Ideas of Nation and Liberation, in Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (ed.), Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo of Zimbabwe: History, Politics, Power, Memory (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 299-322.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2015(a). “After the Big Clean-up: Street Vendors, the Informal economy and Employment Policy in Zimbabwe” in Keith Hart and John Sharp, (eds), People, Money and Power in the Economic Crisis: Perspectives from the Global South. The Human Economy Series, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 19-40. See
  • Mpofu, Busani & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni. 2015(b). ‘Robert Mugabe: The Will to Power and Crisis of the Paradigm of War’, in Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (ed), Mugabeism? History, Politics and Power in Zimbabwe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 121-133. See

Journal articles

  • Busani Mpofu and Sabelo Gatsheni-Ndlovu. 2018. “Nelson Mandela’s Changing Idea of South Africa”, Critical African Studies. 10 (2): 173-195. DOI: 10.1080/21681392.2018.1470018

Paper presentations

  • Mpofu, Busani. 2016. “The Urban Land Question, Land Reform and the Spectre of Extrajudicial Land Occupations in South Africa.” Paper presented at the Sam Moyo 4th Pan-African Roundtable Dialogue on Land Reform and Agrarian Conflicts in Post-colonial Africa: Implications for Agricultural Production, Industrial Production and Food Security, 6-8 September, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2015. “Critical Reflections on the Land Question in Zimbabwe.” Paper presented at the Third Pan-African Roundtable Dialogue on Land Policies, Agrarian Conflicts, Agricultural Production, Food Security and Identity Challenges in Postcolonial Africa”, 21-23 September 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2015. ‘Urban Development and Land Reform in South Africa: Unpacking the Root causes of the current ‘Malemavilles’ Crisis.” Paper presented at the 2015 TOYIN FALOLA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE African Renaissance and Pan-Africanism: Epistemologies of the South, New Leadership Paradigms and African Futures, UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa, 2 – 4 July, 2015.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2015. “‘Troubled Zimbabweans’ migration to South Africa: Analyzing the Consequences of a Porous Border and Malfunctioning Immigration and Asylum Regimes.” Paper presented at the African Mobilities and Postcolonial Border Regimes Workshop, University of Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, 10-12 April 2015.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2014. “Land Reform and the Urbanisation Challenge in sub-Saharan Africa.” Paper presented in the Second Pan-African Roundtable Dialogue on Investment on Land or Land Grabbing? Agricultural Development, Agricultural Production and Food Security in Africa, IDEP, Dakar, Senegal, 5-7 November 2014.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2013. “The Contributions of Archie Mafeje to the Debate on Land in Africa”. Paper presented at the First Roundtable Dialogue on Land Reform, Land Grabbing and Agricultural Development in Africa in the 21st century, 17-18 June 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2012. ‘Shebeen Operations and the Anti-Law Politicians? Towards an Understanding of the Intricate History of Shebeening in a post-colonial city, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’. Paper presented at the HASA Conference, 6-7 July 2012, University of Pretoria.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2011. ‘Defiant Squatters or an Un-Accommodative State? Squatters and the State in Peri-Urban Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 1980-2005’. Paper was presented at GAPSYM5 (r)Urban Africa Symposium, Friday 2 December 2011, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2010. ‘The Urban Poor and the ‘Rebuilding’ Programme in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 2005-2007’ Paper presented at the 'Cities in Southern Africa: Migrants and Urban Agents' Seminar, 26 February 2010, Birkbeck College, London, UK.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2007. An Overview of the Low-Income Housing Crisis in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at Britain-Zimbabwe Society Research Day, St. Anthony's College, Oxford University, UK. 2007.
  • Mpofu, Busani. 2003. ‘Brainstorming Racial Reconciliation in Southern Africa’. Paper presented to the First International Conference on Race: Racial Reconciliation, University of Mississippi, USA, 1–4 October 2003.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Academic Citizenship: Editorial Assistant—African Affairs Journal.
  • PhD (3 years) Southern African Scholarship (Edinburgh University) Sept. 2006.
  • Jenny Balston Scholarship- (Sept 2007-Aug 2009).
  • Cannon Collins Trust Travel Grant- July 2006.
  • Martin Lynn Scholarship-Research Grant-November 2006.
  • Newby Trust Educational Grant (Research)-March 2007.


  • Land Reform, Agrarian Questions and Agricultural Development
  • Development, Inequality and Poverty
  • African Social Formations and African Families


Conference Proceedings Reports.

  • Mpofu, Busani, with Marion Atieno Ouma and Kimberly Usher, 2017. “Social Policy in Africa Conference (SPIA): A Report of the proceedings of the Social Policy in Africa Conference: A flagship activity of the South Africa Research (SARChi) Chair in Social Policy held at the Sierras Burgers Park Hotel, City of Tshwane, South Africa”, 20-22 November 2017.


  • Mpofu, Busani. 2016. “Land Reform and Agrarian Conflicts in post-colonial Africa: Implications on Agricultural Production, Industrial Production and Food Security”, A Proceedings Report of the Sam MOYO Fourth PAN-AFRICAN ROUNDTABLE held at Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa 6-8 September 2016.
  • Mpofu, Busani and Wendy Isaacs-Martin. 2015. “Land Policies, Agrarian Conflicts, Agricultural Production, Food Security and Identity Challenges in Postcolonial Africa”, A Proceedings Report of the Third Pan-African Roundtable Dialogue, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe, 21st-23rd September 2015.
  • Mpofu, Busani, 2015. “History, Symbols and Nation: Challenges of Social Cohesion in South Africa”, A Proceedings Report of the Second Roundtable Dialogue on Social Cohesion held at Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria, 12 August 2015.
  • Mpofu, Busani and Wendy Isaacs-Martin. 2014. “Investment on Land or Land Grabbing? Agricultural Development, Agricultural Production and Food Security in Africa”, A Proceedings Report of the Second Pan-African Roundtable Dialgoue held at The African Institute for Economic Development and Planning/ Nations Unies Institut Africain de Developpement Economique et de Planification (IDEP), United Nations, IDEP Conférence Hall, Dakar, Senegal, 5-7 November 2014.
  • Mpofu, Busani and Wendy Isaacs-Martin. 2014. “Identity: Does Social Cohesion exist?  Engaging Issues of Diversity and National Identity in South Africa”, A Proceedings Report of the Roundtable Dialogue held at Nkwame Nkrumah Hall, Robert Sobukwe Building, UNISA, Pretoria: 12 September 2014.
  • Mpofu, Busani, 2013. “State, Capital and the Deepening Labour Crisis in South Africa”, A Proceedings Report of the Roundtable Dialogue on State, Capital and the Deepening Labour Crisis in South Africa held at Kgorong Building, University of South Africa (UNISA) 11 November 2013.