Department of Development Studies

Prof Derica Kotzé

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Development Studies
Associate Professor
012 429 6592


  • Dlitt et Phil Development Studies (Unisa, 2000)

Fields of academic interests

  • Gender equality and empowerment
  • Food security
  • Participatory community-based development

Field of Specialisation

  • Food security
  • Development project management
  • Gender and development
  • Development policy and projects
  • Participatory research methodology
  • Community-based development
  • Donor aid


Book chapters:

  • Poverty, food security and development, in Swanepoel, H & De Beer, F (eds). Introduction to development studies. Johannesburg: International Thomson Publishing. 1999.
  • Human resource development, in Liebenberg, FS & Stewart, P (eds).  Participatory development management and the RDP. Cape Town: Juta. 1997.

Journal articles

  • Women’s perceptions and attitudes about recycling in Midstream Estate: a case study in South Africa, in The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability 10, 2015.
  • The failure of cross-country regression analysis in measuring the impact of foreign aid, accepted to be published in Journal of Developing Societies, 2014. Co-author: AGP Collodel.
  • The impact of non-formal education on skills and knowledge of community development workers: a case study, in Africa Development XXXVII (2) 2012.
  • The challenges of accessing information and communication technologies as indicated by women entrepreneurs in Pretoria, South Africa, in The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 6(4), 2012. Co-authors FS Modiba & J Eloff.
  • Is community-based participation a key instrument to addressing the plight of child-headed households in South Africa?, in Commonwealth Youth and Development 9(2), 2011.
  • Linking human rights, gender equality and the MDGs, in Africanus 39(1), 2009.
  • Role of women in the household economy, food production and food security: policy guidelines, in Outlook on Agriculture 23(2), 2003.
  • The need for adult education, in Africanus 24(2), 1994.