Department of Development Studies

Prof Morgan Ndlovu

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Development Studies
Associate Professor
012 429 2130


  • BA (Wits)
  • BA (Hons) (Wits)
  • MA (Wits)
  • MSc (Sussex)
  • MPP (York)
  • MEd (Wits)
  • PhD (Monash)

NRF Rating


Fields of academic interests

  • Decolonizing Knowledge and Power, Nature and Subjectivity
  • Africanization and Indigenization
  • Urban Renewal and Local Economic Development
  • Environment and Development
  • Sustainable Development
  • Migration and Development
  • Culture, Identity and Social Cohesion,
  • Tourism, Culture and Identity

Field of Specialisation

  • Decoloniality
  • Culture, Heritage and Tourism
  • Identity and Social Cohesion
  • Political Economy
  • Sustainable Development
  • Environment and Development
  • Urban Renewal and Local Economic Development



  • Ndlovu, M: 2019: Performing Indigeneity: Spectacles of Culture and Identity in Coloniality. London: Pluto Press (ISBN: 9780745338590)

Book chapters:

  • Ndlovu, M: 2017: “Making Sense of Joshua Nkomo’s Political Behavior: A Socio-Genetic Approach” in Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo of Zimbabwe: Politics, Power and Memory. Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-319-60554-8)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2016: “Being African and Innovative” in Mammo Muchie, Vusi  Gumede, Samuel Oloruntoba & Nicasius A. Check eds). Regenerating Africa: Bringing African Soultions to African Problems. Pretoria: AISA. (ISBN: 978-0-7983-0483-2)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2016: “Post-Disciplinarity and Forgetfulness of Coloniality in Tourism Studies” in Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & Siphamandla Zondi (eds). Decolonizing the African University, Knowledge Systems and Disciplines. Carolina Academic Press (ISBN: 978-1-61163-833-2)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2015: “African Leadership in the Age of Euro-North American-centric   Modernity: A Decolonial Critique of Robert Mugabe” in Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds). Mugabeism? History, Politics and Power in Zimbabwe. Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN: 9781137543448)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2014: “What, Fundamentally, is Pan African Education? De-colonial Critique on Education and Development in Africa”. In Mammo .Muchie, Vusi.Gumede, Pindile. Lukhele-Olorunju & H. T. Demissie (eds).Unite or Perish: Africa Fifty Years After the Founding of the OAU. Pretoria: AISA/HSRC Press (ISBN 978-0-7983-0483-2)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2013: “Contending Versions of Post-apartheid South African Nationhood: Insights from Cultural Villages”. In Sabelo. J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni and Finex. Ndhlovu (eds). Nationalism matters: the national project in an age of globalisation. Pretoria: AISA. (ISBN: 978-0-7983-0395-8)

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  • Ndlovu, M: 2012: Zulu Cultural Villages and their political economy: A      decolonial perspective. International Centre for Muslim and Non–Muslim      Understanding: University of South Australia (ISBN 978-0-9874076-0-3
  • Ndlovu, M:      2015: Coloniality of Knowledge and the Challenge of creating African      futures. CODESRIA XIV General Assembly on “Creating African Futures in an      Era of Global Transformations: Challenges and Prospects”, Dakar, Senegal

Journal articles

  • Ndlovu M: 2018: Coloniality of Knowledge and the Challenge of creating African futures. Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies 40 (2) (In process copy-editing)
  • Ndlovu, M: 2017: Manufacturing Black-on-Black Violence in Africa: A Decolonial Perspective on Mfecane and Afro-phobia/Xenophobia in South Africa. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies 12 (2): 97—109.
  • Ndlovu M: 2017: Por Que Saberes Indigenas No Seculo XXI? Uma Guinada Decolonial. Epistemologias Do Sul, Foz Do Iguacu/PR, 1 (1): 127-144.
  • Ndlovu, M: 2014: Just a bunch of unbearable, useless individuals: A Decolonial Critique on Minister Mbalula’s Rhetoric of South African Exceptionalism.  African Journal of Rhetoric 6 (2): 145-169.
  • Ndlovu, M: 2014: Why Indigenous Knowledge in the 21st Century? A Decolonial Turn. Yesterday& Today (11): 84-98
  • Ndlovu, M & Makoni, E: 2014: The Globality of the Local? A Decolonial Perspective on local economic development in South Africa. Local Economy. 29 (4-5): 503-518.
  • Ndlovu, M: 2013: Mobilizing History for Nation-Building in South Africa: A Decolonial Perspective. Yesterday &Today (9):1-12.
  • Ndlovu, M: 2013: Living in the Marikana World: The State, Capital and Society. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies 8 (1): 46-58.
  • Ndlovu, M: 2013: The Production and Consumption of Cultural Villages in South Africa: A Decolonial epistemic perspective. Africanus: A Journal of Development Studies 43 (2): 15-63  
  • Ndlovu, M: 2011: The Small is Big: Craft in the Inner-City of Johannesburg. Local Economy 26 (1) 43—51
  • Ndlovu, M: 2008: Investing in formal education: Can Indigenous Knowledge Studies Enhance graduates’ response to development needs of African communities? Yesterday& Today (2) 31-40
  • Ndlovu, M: 2009: History Curriculum, Nation-Building and the Promotion of Common Values in Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Zimbabwe and South Africa. Yesterday &Today (4) 64-7

Paper presentations

  • Ndlovu, M: 2012: Zulu Cultural Villages and their political economy: A decolonial perspective. International Centre for Muslim and Non–Muslim Understanding: University of South Australia (ISBN 978-0-9874076

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Ford Foundation International Fellow (2005—Present)


  • Currently writing a book on: Performing Indigeneity: Spectacles of Identity and Culture in coloniality