Department of Development Studies

Prof Peter Stewart

College of Human Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Department: Development Studies
012 429 6639


  • BA Humanities (Malawi)
  • BA Honours (Witwatersrand)
  • MA (Notre Dame)
  • PhD (Witwatersrand)

Fields of academic interests

  • Development theory
  • Complexity theories
  • South African development
  • National Development Plan


  • Editor (with Shobana Nelasco and Tola Olujuvan) Global outlook on education  (363 pp). New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers 2009.  ISBN 978-81-8457-125-7.
  • Sole author, Segregation and Singularity. Politics and its context among white middle class English-speakers in late apartheid Johannesburg. University of South Africa Press (210pp) ISBN 1-86888-290-X.
  • Editor (with Sybert Liebenberg): Participatory Development Management and the RDP. Cape Town: Juta, 1997 (222 pp).
  • Editor (with Marylyn Aitken): Relocation: the Churches' report on forced removals in South Africa. SACC and SACBC, Johannesburg, 1984 (65 pp).



Journal articles

  • Development and good change  Africanus, 41/3 2011.
  • Re-envisioning the academic profession in the shadow of corporate managerialism” in The Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2007 vol 5 no 1 pp 131-147
  • Quarantine and feel sorry for these barbarous GMO technologies! Umrabulo August 2003 (4pp)
  • Complexity theories, social theory and the question of social complexity. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31(3) 2001, pp323-360.
  • Development at the dawn of the twenty first century, in Reflective Public Administration:  Views from the South, edited by JS Wessels & JC Pauw. Cape  Town: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp100-130.
  • Air pollution and coal usage in Soweto.  Africanus 28(1)  1998 pp 20-30.
  • The RDP 1994-1996, in Participatory development management and the RDP, edited by Peter Stewart and Sybert Liebenberg, Cape Town: Juta, 1997, pp3-20.                              
  • What is development? In  Development Administration and Management edited by D.A. Kotze. Pretoria: Van Schaik, 1996,  pp1-6.
  • The adaptive potential of middle class whites to state transformation and social change in South Africa, in Africanus 24(1) 1996, pp 21-51.
  • (with C. Cross, L Cornwell & F de Beer) The fall of centralism? Popular mobilization for post-Apartheid development, in Indicator South Africa 7(3) 1990, pp 47-52.
  • What do we need to know about white attitudes: a critique of major surveys of South African opinion, in Africanus 19(1 & 2) 1989 pp 86-97.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • 2011-2014 Chair of Department, Development Studies, Unisa
  • 1998 Visiting Scholar , Faculty of Social and political studies, Cambridge University
  • 1998 Unisa: General Research grant
  • 1995 Unisa research bursary for Codesria conference paper.
  • 1987 HSRC doctoral bursary.
  • 1987 Senior bursary, University of the Witwatersrand.
  • 1986 The Frieda Lawenski scholarship  for academic excellence.
  • 1986 Senior Bursary, University of the Witwatersrand.
  • 1982 Senior bursary, University of the Witwatersrand; HSRC honours bursary.
  • 1976 - 1977 Full scholarship and stipend for MA, from Notre Dame University.