Conference: New trans-disciplinary horizons in the Criminal Justice System

Conference programme

Each KEYNOTE SPEAKER has been allocated THIRTY (30) minutes presentation time. All other presenters get TWENTY (20) minutes for their presentations. Chairs have been given strict instructions to keep presenters to their allotted times. Questioners to please state name and affiliation and then to only pose their question (NOT to make long statements or get into discussion).

DAY 1: Wednesday, 06 September 2017
Programme Director: Prof Willem Luyt
08:00–09:00: Registration & Refreshments
09:00–09:30: Opening and Welcome: Prof R Songca, Unisa
Keynote speaker

Delegate from the Department of Correctional Services

Keynote speaker
Prof G Labuschagne
10:30–10:50: Tea/coffee break

Keynote speaker
Mr Collin Khumalo
Fear Free Life

11:20–11:50: Question & Answer session
Student Discussion Session: Criminality during student protests
Venue: Main Hall
Chair: Prof S Sibanda, Unisa
12:20–13:10: LUNCH
Breakaway Session 1
Chair: Dr T Matshaba
Breakaway Session 2
Mr M Panyapanya
13:10–13:30: 13:10–13:30:
13:30–13:50: 13:30–13:50:
13:50–14:00: questions 13:50–14:00: questions
14:00–14:20: Tea/coffee break
Breakaway Session 3
Chair: Dr P Muthaphuli
Breakaway Session 4
Chair: Ms L Stone
14:20–14:40:   14:20–14:40:
14:40–15:00: 14:40–15:00:
15:00–15:10: questions 15:00–15:10: questions
15:10–15:30: Discussions
15:30–16:30: Networking


Entertainment: Daniel Baron
Miss Junior South Africa: Bianca Rautenbach

DAY 2: Thursday, 07 September 2017
Programme Director: Brigadier Ram
08:00–08:30: Registration & Refreshments
08:30–08:45: Opening and Welcome University of Johannesburg
Keynote speaker
Rainette Leibowitz
Keynote speaker
Danny Myburgh

Cyanre – The Computer Forensic Lab

Keynote speaker
Luke Lamprect
Johannesurg Child Advocacy Forum
Teddy Bear Clinic
10:15–10:45: Question & Answer session
10:45–11:10: Tea/coffee break
Breakaway Session 1
Chair: Mr A Labane
Breakaway Session 2
Chair: Dr F Louw
11:10–11:30: 11:10–11:30:
11:30–11:50: 11:30–11:50:
11:50–12:00: questions 11:50–12:00: questions
12:00–12:50: LUNCH
Breakaway Session 3
Chair: Mr L Hadebe
Breakaway Session 4
Chair: Ms E Reddy
12:50–13:10: 12:50–13:10:
13:10–13:30: 13:10–13:30:
13:30–13:50: 13:30–13:50:
13:50–14:00: questions 13:50–14:00: questions
14:00–14:20: Tea/coffee break
14:20–14:40: Discussions
14:40–15:00: Closing of Conference and announcements

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:03:37 SAST 2023