Department of Corrections Management

Mrs DC Jonker

College of Law
School of Criminal Justice
Department: Corrections Management
Senior Lecturer


  • BA Social Work Hons
  • MA Penology

Currently teaching

  • PEN2604
  • PEN3706
  • SJD1501

Fields of academic interests

  • Corrections
  • Criminal Justice
  • Social Work

Field of Specialisation

  • Corrections
  • Criminal Justice
  • Social Work

Journal articles

  • Ovens, M and Jonker DC. The development of a fully online interdisciplinary module within the College of Law: an interdisciplinary approach. ACTA CRIMINOLOGICA, Special Edition (2) 2014.
  • Jonker, DC and Du Preez, N. A penological perspective on the treatment of child molesters in the prevention of recidivism. CARSA 13(2) 2012.

Paper presentations

  • 2015. Ovens M; Muthapuli P and Jonker DC. Theory of Connectivism and its application in distance education. CRIMSA