Department of Criminology and Security Science

Ms E Reddy

College of Law
School of Criminal Justice
Department: Criminology and Security Science
Senior Lecturer
012 433 9540


  • B.Crim - University of KwaZulu Natal
  • BCrim.Hons - University of KwaZulu Natal
  • MTsec - UNISA

Currently teaching

  • SEP3713 - Advanced Corporate Investigations III
  • SEP3710 - Advanced Security Risk Management III

Fields of academic interests

  • Contemporary crime issues: Cybercrime typologies, legislation and investigations, cryptocurrency crime and regulation

Field of Specialisation

  • Cybercrime 

Journal articles

  • Reddy, E. 2020. Analysing the investigation and prosecution of cryptocurrency crime as provided for by the South African Cybercrimes Bill. Statute Law Review, 41 (2), 226-239.
  • Reddy, E. Lawack, VA. 2019. An overview of the regulatory developments in South Africa regarding the use of cryptocurrencies. SA Mercantile Law Journal 31 (1), 1-28.
  • Reddy, E. 2019. Analysing the investigation and prosecution of cryptocurrency crime as provided for by the South African Cybercrimes Bill. Statute Law Review, 1-14 (ISSN 0144-3593).
  • Reddy, E. & Minnaar, A. Cryptocurrency: Tool and target for cybercrime.  Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology. Special Edition 31 No/3 2018 71-92.
  • Reddy, E. & Minnaar, A. 2015. Safeguarding children from becoming victims of online sexual abuse facilitated by virtual worlds. Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal, 16(1): 23-39 (ISSN 1562-1383).
  • Reddy, E. 2015. An exploration of the criminogenic risks of biometric attributes for payment authentication. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology. Special Edition No 5/2015: Criminology in democratic South Africa: Coming of age: 82-98.
  • Reddy, E. & Lawack, V. (2019) An overview of the regulatory developments in South Africa regarding the use of cryptocurrencies. SA Mercantile Law Journal (31) 1, pp1-129.

Paper presentations

  • An exploration of the criminogenic risks of biometric attributes for payment authentication. Presented at the Criminological and Victimological Society of Southern Africa (CRIMSA) Conference. 12-14 September 2015. South Africa, Cape Town.
  • Risks associated with virtual currencies and the ‘’Dark Web’.  Presented at the Association of Compliance Professionals in Africa (ACCPA) Conference. 13-15 August 2016.  Kenya, Nairobi.
  • Decentralised, unregulated payment mediums without legal tender status and the challenges they pose for consumer protection: Cryptocurrencies as a case in point. Presented at the Athens Institute of Education and Research (ATINER), Conference on Law. 13-17 July 2017, Athens, Greece.
  • Addressing the increasing spectre of cryptocurrency crime: A South African context. Presented at the International Criminology Conference, Washington, USA. 12 October 2018.

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Mail & Guardian Top 200 South Africans award – Law and Justice category 


  • Women in criminal justice (Women in Research (WiR))
  • Lekgotla la batho project (Institute for Dispute Resolution in Africa (IDRA))
  • College of law student indaba
  • Pluralisation of street policing 


  • Participated in a round-table event titled: Discussions on the future of compliance in the continent examined how Africa could emulate the US and its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) list and that of the EU.  3-6 July 2016. Cote D Voire.
  • Participated in a round-table event titled: Overcoming compliance challenges in Africa). 6 -8 March 2016. Accra, Ghana.
  • Completed the 2018 Young Academic Programme