Department of Criminology and Security Science

Prof K Pillay

College of Law
School of Criminal Justice
Department: Criminology and Security Science
012 4339419


  • PhD (Criminal Justice)
  • MTech
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Security Management
  • Diploma in Security Management

Currently teaching

  • SEP4801 - Applied Research Methodology in Security Science
  • SEP1505 Security Technology and Information Security I

Fields of academic interests

  • Crime prevention
  • Private security industry

Field of Specialisation

  • Private Security Industry growth and regulations

Journal articles

  • Pillay, K. (2018) Chapter in a book – The Proliferation of Private Security Agencies in South Africa and its Concomitant Effect on Crime Prevention and Crime Reduction in Nalla, M.K. and Prenzler, T. (2018). Regulating the Security Industry. Routledge. Michigan. ISBN: 13:978-1-138-54170-2
  • Pillay, K. (2014) Chapter in a book – Security Awareness & Importance of Training. Sinha, R.K (Ed.) Chapter 4. Need to Sensitize Management. Pg. 1-11. Vitasta Publishing. ISBN: 978-93-80828-59-6. 2014
  • Pillay, K. (2013). Total Loss Prevention Management – A Profit Centre. Sinha, R.K. (Ed.). Chapter 2. Risk Analysis, Loss and Crime Prevention in the Retail Sector- pg. 61-71, Vitasta Publishing. ISBN: 978-93-80828-57-2. 2013.
  • Pillay, K. (2013) Chapter in a book – Security Awareness & Importance of Training. Sinha, R.K. (Ed.). Chapter 1. Security Awareness Programmes. Pg. 1-11. Vitasta Publishing. ISBN: 978-93-80828-59-6. 2013.
  • Pillay, K. 1993. Psychosocial perspectives of drug abuse among high school students. The South African Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Vol. 6 (1). Pp. 76-80.
  • Pillay, K. 1997. Police-schools liaison community - policing: empowering the South African school-child. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology. Vol. 10 (2).
  • Pillay, K. 1998. Democratising the South African Police Services – The role of community policing forums. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology Vol. 11(3). Pp. 102-111.
  • Pillay, K., Smit, J. et van der Merwe, J.P. 1999. Prerequisites for the effective functioning of community policing in South Africa. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology. 12(3). Pp. 56-61.
  • Pillay, K. 2000. Schools-based crime prevention with specific reference to the prevention of drug abuse. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology Vol. 13. No.1. 2000. Pp. 72-79.
  • Pillay, K. 2000. The requisite skills training for the empowerment of competent industrial security practitioners. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. Vol. 3(9). Pp. 70-75.
  • Pillay, K. 2001. Repositioning the private sector security industry in South Africa in the 21st Century – The role of the industrial security practitioner. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology. Vol. 14 (3). Pp. 66-74.
  • Pillay, K. 2002. “The South African private security industry – Its’ phenomenal growth and efforts to regulate the industry”. Acta Criminologica. Vol 15. No.2, 2002. Pp. 119 – 131.
  • Pillay, K. 2003. Security’s Critical Value in Commerce and Industry and The Need to Educate and Sensitize Executive Management about the Principles of Security”. Acta Criminologica. Vol. 16. No. 4. 2003. Pp. 21-26.
  • Pillay, K. and Claase-Schutte, C. 2004. Private security officers as victims of trauma and stress: the South African experience and initiatives to manage it. Acta Criminologica. Vol. 17. No.1, 2004. Acta Criminologica. Vol. 16. No. 3. 2004. Pp. 21-26.
  • Pillay, K. Editorial. CRIMSA Presidential Report to the Annual General Meeting held on 27 August 2004 at the University of Pretoria. Acta Criminologica. Vol. 17. No. 4. 2004. Pp. 21-26.
  • Pillay, K. 2005. The Philosophical and Operational Significance of Security Awareness Programmes. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology Vol. 18. No. 2. 2005. Pp. 34-43.
  • Pillay, K. 2006. The Proliferation of Private Security Agencies in South Africa and its Concomitant Effect on Crime Prevention and Crime Reduction. International Journal of Comparative And Applied Criminal Justice. Spring, Vol. 30, No. 1. pp.95-108.
  • Pillay, K. 2008. Introducing unit standards-based education and training methodology for security practitioners- A South African Perspective. Acta Criminologica. The Southern African Journal of Criminology Vol. 20. No. 4. Pp. 43-57.

Paper presentations

  • Pillay. K. (2020). Panel Discussion-II: Safety issues in Education, Healthcare and Auxiliary Services.
    30th International Institute for Security and Safety Management Global Conclave 2020 & Excellence Awards. Covid 19: From Survival to Revival: Emerging Paradigms in Security and Safety Services. 11 & 12 Dec 2020 (Virtual Platform)
  • Pillay. K. (2019). The history, growth and framework regulating the Private Security Industry in South Africa – Observations from a preliminary study. CRIMSA Bi-Annual. Conference. 28-30 August 2019. Protea Hotel Polokwane Ranch Resort

Professional positions, fellowships & awards

  • Criminological Society of South Africa- (CRIMSA) – Past President (2003- February 2006)
  • Campus Protection Society of Southern Africa –(CAMPROSA)- FOUNDING MEMBER
  • Fellow of the International Institute for Security & Safety Management – (IISSM) (FISM India)
  • Fellow of the South African Institute for Security (SAIS) (FIS.SA)
  • Fellow of the United Kingdom Security Institute (FSYL UK)
  • Regional Vice President (AFRICA) – International Institute for Security and Safety Management – 2004-2016
  • International Institute for Security and Safety Management –Member of the Board of Governors (2001-2018).
  • South African Institute for Security – (SAIS) Past Chairperson of Board of Governors (2003-2005)
  • Security Association of South Africa – (SASA) – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEMBER
  • Member of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences – (ACJS)
  • Member of  International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention (ISVIP)
  • Honorary Member of the Security Association Singapore


  • Pluralisation of Street Policing in South Africa