Department of Physics

Prof GJ Rampho

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
School of Science
Department: Physics
Associate Professor
011 670 9076


  • PhD (Physics) – University of South Africa
  • MSc (Physics) – University of South Africa
  • MEd (ODL) – University of South Africa

Currently teaching

  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Computational Physics 

Fields of academic interests

Theoretician: Nuclear and Particle, Computational 

My current research focus on theoretical studies of properties of exotic nuclei and ultra-cold gasses. I treat these systems as quantum mechanical many-body. I probe structural and reaction properties of as well as interaction models in halonuclei, hypernuclei and Bose-Einstein condensation. I use the integrodifferential equations approach to generate wave functions for these systems. Naturally, part of my research involves determining efficient numerical solution methods to few-body integrodifferential equation to for better prediction.

Field of Specialisation

  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Computational Physics

Journal articles

  • N. Ikot, C. O. Edet, P. O. Amadi, U. S. Okorie, G. J. Rampho, H. Y. Abdullah, Thermodynamic properties of Aharanov–Bohm (AB) and magnetic fields with screened Kratzer potential, The European Physical Journal D 74 (2020) 1
  • O. Edet, U. S. Okorie, G. Osobonye, A. N. Ikot, G. J. Rampho, R. Sever, Thermal properties of Deng-Fan-Eckart potential model using Poisson summation approach, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 58 (2020) 989
  • N. Ikot, G. J. Rampho, P. O. Amadi, M. J. Sithole, U. S. Okorie, M. L. Lekala, Shannon entropy and Fisher information-theoretic measures for Mobius square potential, The European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2020) 1-13
  • N. Ikot, G. J. Rampho, P. O. Amadi, U. S. Okorie, M. J. Sithole, M. L. Lekala, Quantum information-entropic measures for exponential-type potential, Results in Physics 18 (2020) 103150
  • P. Sedaghatnia, H. Hassanabadi, G. J. Rampho, Relativistic particles with a nonpolynomial oscillator potential in a spacelike dislocation. Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 35 (2020) 2050108
  • U. S. Okorie, A. N. Ikot, E. O. Chukwuocha, M. C. Onyeaju, P. O. Amadi, M. J. Sithole, G. J. Rampho, Energies Spectra and Thermodynamic Properties of Hyperbolic Pöschl–Teller Potential (HPTP) Model, International Journal of Thermophysics 41 (2020)
  • N. Ikot, U. S. Okorie, G. Osobonye, P. O. Amadi, C. O. Edet, M. J. Sithole, G. J. Rampho, R. Sever, Superstatistics of Schrödinger equation with pseudo-harmonic potential in external magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm fields, Heliyon 6 (2020) e03738


  • Construction of analytical solutions of quantum mechanical equations for and study thermodynamic properties of diatomic molecules.
  • Construction of numerical solutions to Faddeev integrodifferential equations for and study structure properties of few-body quantum systems.
  • Studies of structure and reaction properties of few-body exotic nuclei and many-body cold atom systems.