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Unisa awarded honorary doctorate to Africa’s pre-eminent branding authority, Thebe Ikalafeng

Mr Thebe Ikalafeng, recognised globally as the pre-eminent African authority on branding, was conferred with an honorary doctorate by the University of South Africa (Unisa) at a graduation ceremony held at the Unisa Muckleneuk campus in Pretoria on Thursday, 30 May 2024.

At its sitting on 15 September 2023, the Council of Unisa unanimously resolved to award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies (Honoris Causa) on Mr Ikalafeng, in recognition of his lifelong commitment to learning, his impactful contributions and his singular accomplishments in business.

Ikalafeng has garnered recognition for his advocacy of a brand-led African renaissance, with his influence recognised by prestigious publications and organisations such as New African Magazine, Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD) and Reputation Poll International. His unwavering commitment to shaping a positive narrative for Africa has left an indelible imprint on the continent’s branding landscape.

He is the founder of Africa Brand Leadership Academy (ABLA), whose aim is to develop capacity and talent for Africa-focussed brand leadership. He has dedicated himself to nurturing Africa-focussed brand leadership, aiming to amplify the continent’s presence on the global stage.

Ikalafeng is a Chartered Marketer (SA), with BSC (1992) and MBA (1993) degrees from the Marquette University in the USA, specialising in marketing. He also holds an LLM (2021) degree in intellectual property from the University of Turin in Italy, offered in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland. His commitment to continuous learning is also demonstrated by his completion of executive education programmes with Wits University and the Havard Business School.

Amongst Ikalafeng’s many business accomplishments is the creation of the current Unisa brand architecture at the time of the merger of the old Unisa, Technikon South Africa and Vista University Distance Education Centre (VUDEC) in 2004.   

The graduation ceremony  took place on Thursday 30 May 2024 during the 18:00 graduation ceremony on the Muckleneuk Campus in Pretoria.  To view the ceremony on youTube, click here

Publish date: 2024-05-28 00:00:00.0