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General information: These study units may only be taken for the VMA Honours. Applying students must have successfully completed the BA Visual Multimedia Arts degree. Also students who completed Multimedia Studies at UNISA and who obtained a minimum average of 60% for the third level modules qualify for the VMA Honours Degree. Students from other tertiary institutions who completed their qualifications in Visual Arts (or related fields) on the NQF level 7 and who obtained a minimum average of 60% for the final level modules/subjects qualify for the VMA Honours Degree.
Students from other tertiary institutions should contact the Department of Art and Music before registering for the VMA Honours.
Students must attend a minimum of two days for both practical workshops. Students are expected to attend the two workshops presented and are strongly advised to attend the full week of these two workshops.

Contemporary Theories of the Arts - HMV4802
Honours Year module NQF level: 8 Credits: 24
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students with knowledge of selected contemporary theories of the arts to enable them to conduct research at postgraduate level. The module will consider the broad landscape of contemporary theories of the arts before offering students the opportunity to focus on two topics of their choice from the following: modernism and postmodernism; postcolonialism and decoloniality; critical race theory; feminism, gender and sexuality; philosophy of mind and phenomenology. Core theoretical texts will be discussed and their usage in contemporary studies of music and the arts critically evaluated. This will enable students to engage reflexively with these theories and understand their application in selected key texts. Qualifying students will be able to outline the historical and contemporary use of selected theories in their appropriate disciplinary contexts, and will develop, adapt, and apply theories to music and the arts.
Research Report on the Arts - HRHMV81
Honours NQF level: 8 Credits: 36
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: To write a research report (article) on an approved topic in Musicology, Art History, Visual Art or Multimedia. This research module aims to familiarise and equip students with sound research methodologies and writing skills applicable to the arts. Furthermore it aims to develop independent thinking, argumentation and interpretation. Because of the emphasis on independent thinking, students are required to set their own problems. However, these problems and arguments have to be grounded in sound literature studies. Completing this research module will assist students who wish to continue with an MA degree as it provides the necessary technical and methodological skills.
Professional Art Practice II - PAT4801
Honours Year module NQF level: 8 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Pre-requisite: VAR3701, VAR3702 & PAT3701 (Only applicable to 02224) Co-requisite: VMA4801 & VMA4802
Purpose: Qualifying students will conduct research by identifying an appropriate focus in art practice and thereafter map the terrain for art practitioners through the submission of a proposal and a report. Students are expected to apply and formulate the creative solutions to their artistic praxis in order to prepare them for the demands of a professional career as an artist. This module also aims to develop studentsメ critical skills, research methodologies and writing skills within the framework of analyzing their own art practice. Furthermore, it also aims at developing critical skills to place their own art-making practice within the bigger scope of contemporary art scene. The module culminates in an excellent art catalogue of the full portfolio created for VMA4801 and VMA4802 modules.
Studio Practice V - VMA4801
Honours NQF level: 8 Credits: 24
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: PAT4801 & VMA4802
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students to enter the world of art as an independent art practitioner. The qualifying student will present artwork that is unique, contemporary, originaltogether with incorporation of technical excellence. The focus is placed on conceptualisation and includes formulation of proposal, visual and theoretical research methodology, form and content relationship and development of working process such as workbooks and working sketches.
Studio Practice VI - VMA4802
Honours NQF level: 8 Credits: 24
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: VMA4801 & PAT4801
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students to enter the world of art as an independent art practitioner. The qualifying student will present artwork that is unique, contemporary, original together with incorporation of technical excellence.