
Committed to serving Unisa and empowering researchers

When several distance education institutions – the University of South Africa, Technikon Southern Africa and the Vista Distance Education Campus – merged in 2004, Dr Thelma Louw knew that significant changes were on the horizon. Read more

Unisan elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Dr Kaviyarasu Kasinathan has been elected as a Fellow by the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry in the United Kingdom. He continues to be an exceptional researcher committed to using his research to contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. Read more

Advancing postgraduate research insights

As part of the 2nd Unisa Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL) Virtual Conference, the university held an ODeL Postgraduate Student Consortium on 4 August 2022, where students from various universities presented their current studies and exchanged insights. Read more

Embracing ODeL to unlock access to higher education

Speaking at the official opening of the 2nd Unisa Open Distance and eLearning (ODeL) Virtual Conference themed "All Things Research in Open Distance and eLearning", Prof Puleng LenkaBula encouraged higher education institutions to embrace ODeL as a solution to higher education access for many people. Read more

Curtain ready to rise on 2022 Virtual ODeL Conference

Clear your desks, close the door on unnecessary distractions and prepare to give your undivided attention to the single most important event taking place at Unisa in the first week of August - the 2022 Unisa Virtual ODeL Conference. Read more

Distance education research matters

Sharing insight about the upcoming 2022 R&I ODeL Conference, Prof Jennifer Roberts of the Unisa Institute for Open and Distance Learning in the College of Education says that research in distance education should be contextualised; however, local researchers have to start looking beyond the South African context. Read more

President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning to speak at Unisa

One of the world’s leading advocates of learning for sustainable development, Prof Asha Singh Kanwar, is set to deliver a keynote address at the Unisa 2022 Open Distance and e-Learning Virtual Conference. Read more

Jumping from a Y2 to a C2 NRF rating, there's no stopping this academic

Prof François Mulenga, Chair of the Department of Mining Engineering at Unisa has upgraded his National Research Foundation rating from a Y2, being a promising young researcher to a C2, recognising him as an established researcher. Read more

Unisa scholar secures seed fund to design pilot production plant

Prof Alex Kuvarega, thematic area leader for Nanostructured Materials at the Institute of Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability, was recently recognised with a Half Million Rand Club award for being granted a seed fund to design an innovative pilot plant. Read more

Towards a new social contract in ODeL

Set to deliver a keynote address at Unisa’s upcoming ODeL conference, Dr Martha Cleveland-Innes says that a collaborative and purposeful engagement approach may support transformative educational leadership in creating a new social contract for open and digital education in society. Read more