Leading change

“Education is an immediate equaliser,” says DHET’s Manana

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training graduated last night with a BA Honours in International Politics, and said that he loved every moment of being a Unisa student. Read more

Africa Speaks interrogates decolonising higher education

Speaking at Unisa, UCT’s Dr Shose Kessi said that, in time, practices currently seen as resistant and radical would become entrenched and normalised, thus giving rise to a new institutional culture. Read more

We were not ready to govern—Ngema

The acclaimed writer, lyricist, composer, director, and theatre producer was speaking at Unisa, when CHS hosted him and a group of panellists to reflect on the story of Sarafina in post-apartheid South Africa. Read more

Celebrating five years of promoting electoral democracy

The WIPHOLD-Brigalia Bam Chair in Electoral Democracy in Africa plays a critical role in South Africa’s evolving democratisation and Africa’s elections. Read more

Let go of research support shackles

There needs to be a common understanding of what graduateness means in the context of postgraduate qualifications, says Prof Michele Havenga. Read more

Afrikaans translation of iconic African novel

Thomas Mofolo’s classic literary work on the legend of the Zulu King, Chaka, has been translated by Prof Chris Swanepoel, a research fellow in the Department of African Languages. Read more

Practical knowledge to lead ODeL

Seven more Unisa staff members have been awarded their University of Maryland University College Certificates in Technology in Distance Learning and e-Learning. Read more

Unveiling the future of Grade R

The official launch of the Unisa and Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance Early Childhood Development Project took place at the end of March. Read more

Nominees for 2016/2017NSTF-South32 awards announced

Of the 135 nominees contending under 13 different categories, there are eight Unisa staff members. Two of these, Prof Lukas Snyman and Dr Liz Archer, have been nominated in two categories each. Read more

R28m earmarked to lessen fees gap

The Unisa Foundation Board of Trustees will transfer an amount of 28 million rand from the Unisa Foundation Development Fund towards student bursaries. Read more