Leading change

Africa remains in chains

Why does Africa, one of the richest continents on the planet and boasting a youthful population, continues to perform below its potential? Read more

The senseless killings of women and young girls is a sign of a morally bankrupt society

The ongoing spate of gender-based violence owes its genesis to the rapid erosion of morals in society and to its twin sister, patriarchy. Read more

Matjila adapts Mbeki’s ‘I am an African’ into Setswana

Celebrate Africa Day with this beautiful reminder of the innate greatness and potential of beloved Africa. Read more

RPL made this Iranian’s academic dream a reality

The academic door that Akabari’s country closed, Unisa was able to open for her. Read more

Joining forces to combat corruption

In an effort to combat the scourge of corruption which has engulfed the country, the Department of Public Service and Administration, in collaboration with Unisa’s School of Governance, has embarked on a mission to revive the National Anti-Corruption Forum. Read more

No conflict between African culture and Islam

Nwabisa Sigaba shares why it's important for Muslims in Africa to create a discourse around the revival of critical Islamic Theology. Read more

Finalists for 2016/2017 NSTF-South32 awards announced

Four Unisa staff members will be competing across four categories for these prestigious awards in science, engineering, technology, and innovation. Read more

Light at the end of the tunnel for SA’s energy-poor communities

Unisa and MRC researchers have built live demonstration facilities where people can experience the power of three clean-energy solutions for households: solar, biogas, and cool coatings. Read more

Decolonisation of mind-set a precondition for economic transformation

Prof Evelyn Chiloane-Tsoka says that education is an important instrument that can help to produce entrepreneurs who will unlock the growth that will set the country onto a job creation path. Read more

Obama, Bush, Soyinka, and now Matjila…

Unisa's Prof Daniel Matjila will give the International Perspectives Conference in the US a depth of understanding in how individuals can disprove and overcome stereotypes of all kinds. Read more