Leading change

You have the power to change your world

Prince Mashele delivered Unisa’s twelfth Annual Peace, Safety and Human Rights Memorial Lecture at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. Read more

Fair weather ahead for meteorology partnership

The MoU between Unisa and the South African Weather Service will empower postgraduate research students through training and exposure to modelling, monitoring, and forecasting. Read more

‘Decolonising the university’ has become too common

What is still lacking is a clear understanding of what the expression means and where the process should start, said Prof Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni at a Leading Change presentation recently. Read more

Changing inmates’ lives forever

Unisa and the Department of Correctional Services have cemented an MoU to ensure that offenders return to their respective communities as better citizens once they have served their sentences. Read more

It’s time to decolonise the human sciences

Prof Andrew Phillips was speaking at a roundtable that focused on transforming the humanities to promote development and innovation that influence other academic fields. Read more

The need for sound governance has never been greater

Unisa’s involvement in the Management of Democratic Elections in Africa programme speaks to it’s deep commitment to the democratic process. Read more

Age no obstacle for Eastern Cape jazz legend

One of the more than 1578 qualifications conferred during the autumn graduation ceremonies held in East London was a National Diploma in Public Relations Management for 77-year-old Retsi Pule. Read more

(Re)moving the centre

World-renowned academic, novelist and pan-Africanist activist Professor Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o said at Unisa that reclaiming African languages was the first step towards genuine independence. Read more

Unisa Art Gallery exhibition reflects on SA's struggles

This fascinating look at posters made by activists from 1994 till beyond the first election in South Africa will run until 12 July 2017. Read more

Africa should be a centre of knowledge production

Speaking at the annual Thabo Mbeki Africa Day Lecture, Prof Mahmood Mamdani said universities must construct new theories based on their own worlds. Read more