Short Learning Programmes

Course in Teaching Biblical Studies (71723)

Duration: One year

Target group:

Christian leaders, teachers, pastors, youth leaders, people involved in childrenメs ministry and individuals involved in teaching the Bible in church, Sunday school, public or private school or at home

Admission requirements:

Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification

Registration periods:


Course leader details:

Rev Maponya M S MA (Missiology)
Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology
Office 6-120, Theo Van wijk Building, Unisa
Tel:012 429 3168

Programme administrator:

Admin Officer
Unisa Centre for Lifelong Learning
360 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria Central
Solomon Mahlangu Building 2nd floor
Tel: 012 352 4288
Email address:
Application Link:


STBS01P - Teaching Biblical Studies

Syllabus/Content: Orientation and study skills Outcome based education Teaching skills Teaching the Bible The world of the Old and New Testament An overview of the Bible