Submission of full papers

Contributions of original full papers should be submitted electronically as an attachment to ICTPED@unisa.ac.za

The full paper should be written in clear, concise and grammatically correct English. The entire full paper, including abstracts, tables and references must be double spaced throughout, using 12-point Times New Roman, and between 5000 and 6000 words in length.

Full paper order

First Title Page: First title page must include (1) full paper title; (2) name, affiliation including country for each author at the time of the work; (3) name, mailing address, telephone, fax and e-mail of corresponding author; (4) 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes. Kindly write your personal details on the front page of your full paper in one row separated by commas.

Second Title Page: Type only the title and remove other obvious indications of author identity.

Abstract: Include an abstract not exceeding 300 words in length covering the main factual points including purpose of the paper and issues to be discussed and conclusions. Use complete sentences and spell out acronyms at first mention.

Publication language

  • The language of publication for ICTPED proceedings is English.
  • Write clearly using UK spelling, i.e. labour not labor, etc.
  • Ensure that the papers are properly language edited.
  • Write for the international audience, i.e. do not make assumptions that the reader will be familiar with your particular context within you are writing.
  • Avoid using localised abbreviations and terms. Where an abbreviation is used, always write it out in full on first use, followed by the abbreviation in brackets. e.g. United Nations (UN)

Tables and figures

These should follow the text at the end of the paper. Each should be on a separate page, titled, numbered using Roma figure, referred to in order in the text. Tables must not be presented in a grid form, but in the form of horizontal lines.

As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).


References are cited in the text by the author(s)' name and the year of publication in brackets, separated by a comma, e.g. (Gumede 2001). If several articles by the same author and from the same year are cited, the letters a, b, c, etc. should be added after the year of publication. Page references to a book in the text should be indicated in brackets, e.g. (Mphahlele 2002:39-40). Neave 2009:26). In works by three or more authors the surnames of all authors should be given in the first reference to such a work. In subsequent references to this work only the name of the first author is given, followed by the abbreviation et al, e.g. (Steyn et al. 2002). Footnotes to the text should be avoided.

Reference to an anonymous item in a newspaper should cited in this way. the name of the newspaper is given in brackets, e.g. (Sowetan, 14 July 2003). For personal communication (oral and written), identify the person and indicate in brackets that it is a personal communication, e.g. (M Kissack, pers. comm.).
Only sources cited in the text are listed, in alphabetical order, under References.

Journal articles:
Name(s) and initials(s) of author(s), year of publication, title of article, unabbreviated title of journal, volume, issue number and pagination, e.g.

  • Bhubha, H; and Viswananthan, G. 2002. Border crossings in education. Cultural Critique  35(2): 34-48.

Books and book chapters:
Name(s) and initial(s) of author(s) or editor(s), year of publication, title, volume, edition, place of publication and publisher. E.g.

  • Cornay, M. (ed.). 1996. The politics of education. New York: Routledge.
  • Blaug, M. 1975.  An introduction to the  economics of education. London Penguin
  • Davies, J. 1985. Policy formation.  In Universities: The management challenge, eds.
  • G. Lockwood and J. Davies. Bershire: The Society for Research into Higher Education.  

Upublished theses or dissertations:
Mampuru, E. 2003. A sociological study of children's games. Med dissertation. Pretoria: University of South Africa.

Anonymous newspaper reference:
Sowetan. Shocking classroom practices. 15 July 2003: 14.

Electronic references:
Sexual abuse of female learners in South African schools.

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:02:03 SAST 2023