Department of History

Postgraduate Supervision

The Department of History has a long tradition of supervising Master’s dissertations and Ph.D. theses. For obvious reasons, Unisa historians have always focused very strongly on topics that are relevant in South African scholarship, especially in the fields of colonial history and the history of apartheid. Thus, many Unisa graduates have been supervised who completed their studies on various relevant aspects of the economic, social, cultural, and political history of South Africa.

Since South Africa’s colonial past embedded the country into various international linkages, some students also explored the different ways in which South African history has become part of a wider network of global relations. Such topics range from the international ramifications of the South African War (1899-1902) to the Cold War conflicts on the African continent and the international protests against the apartheid regime. Some members of the Department also have the necessary expertise to supervise topics that extend beyond the scope of southern African and general African themes. These themes include American histories, China-Africa relations, and select themes from world histories and intellectual history.

We recommend very strongly that potential candidates for Master’s and Doctoral degrees contact the Department of History before they embark on their research projects. It goes without saying that any efficient supervision of postgraduate research must be based on the expertise of the supervisor in the respective field. If you want to do your research in a very narrowly defined area that has no connection at all with the themes that Unisa historians can cover, such as the microhistory of a specific community in a foreign country, you may find that the Department does not have the necessary expertise in your particular field of interest. If this is the case, we may not be able to provide students with the quality support that is required to bring an MA dissertation or a doctoral thesis to its successful completion.

To avoid any disappointment, it is therefore absolutely necessary to establish whether your envisaged research can be realistically expected to be monitored by a member of the Unisa Department of History. Please consult with the Department before you apply for studying for a postgraduate degree at Unisa. Tell us more about your research interests and plans by submitting a draft paper of three pages when you contact the Department of History.

Among the questions that the Department may want to discuss with any potential applicants for a postgraduate research project are

  • Is your research connected to any relevant themes in the histories of South African?
  • Is your envisaged research connected to any of the themes mentioned below?
  • If not, would you be able to expand the scope of your planned research to accommodate transnational aspects that fit in with the expertise of the staff members in the Department of History?
  • Is your research based on sources in foreign languages that are unfamiliar to members of the Department?
  • Do you feel confident in accepting the challenge of writing an MA dissertation (ca. 170 pages) or a Ph.D. dissertation (ca. 300 pages) in English for submission to a board of international examiners?

The following encompasses topics and themes that staff members would prefer to discuss with potential candidates for MA and doctoral studies.  Please do not hesitate to contact individual staff members if you have suggestions for a research topic.

Mr GT Ahnie

  • Environmental history 
  • South African Political Biography 
  • South African Historiography 

Prof LM Dondolo

  • Public history
  • Heritage and museum studies
  • South African history
  • Pan Africanist scholarship
  • Identity and racism,
  • Biographies and the New African Movement 

Ms SP Gumede

  • Gender History 
  • History of Education
  • South African Historiography
  • Art History

Mr SI Jiyane

  • History of Mining
  • History of Geology
  • History of Cartography
  • History of Science and Technology and Science and Technology Studies
  • Economic History (Africa)
  • Literary History

Mr TS Khumalo

  • Pan Africanism in Africa and abroad
  • The anti-colonial struggle of Southern Africa
  • The Anti-Apartheid armed struggle
  • #RhodesMustFall, #FeesMustFall #AfrikaansMustFall movements
  • Black Consciousness
  • Igwijo and Praise songs from Africa


Dr S Madida

  • Public history and post-apartheid heritage
  • Critical heritage studies
  • Public arts and cultural representations
  • Museums and galleries
  • World heritage
  • Politics of history, heritage and memory
  • History education

Prof FA Mouton

  • South African liberalism
  • Afrikaner nationalism
  • Segregation and apartheid
  • Black resistance movements
  • White parliamentary politics
  • Press history
  • Military history
  • Border conflicts of the apartheid state

Dr B Mtombeni

  • Social History
  • Sports History
  • Soccer History
  • Political History: Sub-Saharan Africa's political history
  • Agrarian history
  • Women’s History 

Dr FN Ntloedibe

  • The slave trade and slavery and slave culture
  • 19th and 20th century African history
  • 19th century US History
  • African American history
  • African diaspora
  • Decoloniality, Africanisation and epistemological transformations
  • Religion

Ms S Nxongo

  • Gender History
  • History of sex and sexualities
  • History of Religion
  • Social History
  • Gender and Black Consciousness 

Mr A Pietersen

  • Environmental history 
  • Heritage and museum representations
  • Visual Histories

Prof KDLS Prah

  • Asian History
  • African Economic History
  • Modern Chinese Political Economy
  • Imperialism in East and Southern Africa
  • Neocolonial History in Africa

Mr N Southey

  • Southern Africa during the colonial period
  • Christianity, religion, belief systems, and history (southern Africa from the 18th to 21st centuries)
  • History education and the teaching of the discipline of history (southern Africa)
  • Historiography (southern Africa and the English-speaking world)
  • Women’s history, masculinities, gender relations, and gendered identities in history (southern Africa from the 18th to 21st centuries)
  • Travel, exploration and tourism (southern Africa from the 18th to 21st centuries)
  • Heritage and commemoration (southern Africa from the 18th to 21st centuries)
  • Topics related to the history of cultural expression and sport (southern Africa from the 18th to 21st centuries)
  • Connections between southern Africa and Britain, the United States, and the English-speaking world

Last modified: Fri Apr 19 14:59:17 SAST 2024