Department of History

Mr N Southey

College of Human Sciences
School of Humanities
Department: History
Senior Lecturer
012 429 6044
012 429 3221


  • MA (Rhodes, 1984.)


Fields of academic interests

  • Historiography
  • Cape history: religion and society
  • History of gender (particularly dissident sexualities)
  • Modern history of the United States of America 
  • History of travel and tourism


  • (Co-Author with Christopher Saunders), A Dictionary of South African History (Cape Town : David Philip, 2nd ed. 2001); also published as Historical Dictionary of South Africa (Maryland and London: Scarecrow Press, 2000)

Journal articles

  • ‘Discovering Homosexuality in Colonial South Africa: The Case of Bishop Twells’, South African Historical Journal, 36, 1997, pp.48-67.
  •  (with FA Mouton)`A Volksvreemde Historian: JAI Agar-Hamilton and the Production of History in an Alien Environment´, South African Historical Journal, 44, 2001, pp.72-98.
  • ‘Viewing the Past: African History on Film (review article)’, African Historical Review, 42 (1), 2010, pp.113-121.