Engaged Scholarship


MathsEdge is a project that recognizes that while mathematics is important for all of the disciplines in the College, it is often seen as being out of the reach of the everyday world by many potential learners. Furthermore, many children do not know what mathematics can enable them to do in terms of careers and jobs. Through MathsEdge we will produce a CD containing information about careers in which mathematics is needed. In addition to this, the CD will contain interviews with role models who are involved in these careers, information about higher Education study in mathematics and interesting mathematics stories that show how mathematics can be applied to real life situations.

What is the MathsEdge Project?

MathsEdge is an academically-inspired initiative of UNISA, College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) which recognises the fact that mathematics is important to all of the disciplines in the college; but often seen being out of the reach of everyday world by many potential learners. The MathsEdge CD contains career information, interviews with role models, information about higher education study as well as interesting stories that shoe how mathematics can be applied to real life situatios.

The purpose of MathsEdge project is:

  • To show how maths is all around us, and forms an integral part of our everday activities, examples will be drawn from research in image processing, cryptography  and  traffic flow on our roads in  South African.
  • To provide opportunities for school children and other people to see the mathematics that lies beyond the classroom.
  • To provide information on career opportunities in mathematics and other related fields.
  • To bring some of what some people call ‘the big nasties’ of mathematics (like infinity, zero, irrational numbers and cryptography) down to a digestible level.

How are we doing this?

  • Present a showcase of videoed interactions with people who use mathematics in their careers- engineers; computer programmers; financial experts, etc. What maths do they use in their careers and why did they choose the careers they are in.
  • Present popular and interesting articles on breakthroughs in mathematics.
  • Provide information on what level of maths is required to study specific degrees.

Contact us on MathsEdge@unisa.ac.za

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:04:24 SAST 2023